"If you see erroneous information being shared, correct it. Be nice, but say something. That bad advice could literally cost someone their life savings in here!"
So true. The more Steemit grows, the more wealth it creates the more the system will be abused.
But it would be a mistake to assume Steemit is a lawless crypto-frontier Dodge City where there is no recourse to justice.
There will be lawsuits against those individuals, or individuals acting in concert with others to downvote and wipe out somebody whose opinion they don't share, thereby causing not only 'matierial damage' (for loss of income and earning power) but acting against the US Constitution by denying the guarantee of freedom of expression.
Be happy blockchain ensures you can't run
And you can't hide
Which should make it a better place for all
Man, I hope not. I'd rather see a court set up here, on the block chain. The more we ask those f*ckers to decide things, the more we acknowledge their power over us and give them the tools they need to regulate this out of existence. The constitution, while a wonderful historical document IMO, does as much to establish the authority it purports to protect me from as it does to limit the power of that authority. It's great when the representatives represent, but that hasn't happened for a while, if ever. @steemgoblin