I can't top this one. The story is written as an eye witness account.
Enjoy with open mind.
[https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Flat+earth+secrets+of+the+north+pole&view=detail&mid=BF1B88968E40D5DFD757BF1B88968E40D5DFD757&FORM=VIRE ]
I can't top this one. The story is written as an eye witness account.
Enjoy with open mind.
[https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Flat+earth+secrets+of+the+north+pole&view=detail&mid=BF1B88968E40D5DFD757BF1B88968E40D5DFD757&FORM=VIRE ]
Hey, There are some strange things happening, I am watching this now and there are some new content for me here.
How is life btw :) ?
a very good post @brotherdave
Hello @brotherdave.. videos that are very interesting to watch
I have been watching the video for a few minutes,
maybe this is a legendary researcher
Nice post @brotherdave vidoe yang bagus
I have been watching the video for a few minutes,
maybe this is a legendary researcherA very good post @brotherdave
videos are very interesting and very touching ...
@brotherdave what you do when there in that position
really very damning heart
@brotherdave hana tatepu me balah pih atakah hay.. Ka peu eik yang nye nye manteung.
A very interesting video to watch @brotherdave
90 minutes 🙈need more time to watch it. But i think it will worth every minute,! Thanks for sharing! Full 100% upvote. Following you bro!
very good vidio
@brotherdave do you know about aceh