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RE: When Writing, Can You "Prove You're a Human?"

in #writing4 months ago

Good, wholesome bread doesn't need to be table pounding hard. I believe that Germans may be self punishing.

To avoid being mistaken for an AI, write posts in areas there isn't much written about. No large clump of data, no large data model.

Many people never get out of those areas. Their conversations can be come up with in a large data model AI.

And, there is no way to prove you are human. Philosophers have failed. And, AI just isn't good enough YET. (yet, is the important word, because computers will have better AIs soon)


The Germans told me that those pieces of rock were far healthier than the mush that we eat. Maybe so, but it was like trying to eat sandpaper. AI is slowy getting better. I worked at Verizon, and they tested an AI operator for us one day. The bot sounded like an actual human, at first...

But by the end I caught on to the little things in "her" voice that were just a little too perfect. They haven't yet perfected the little inflections that make us all human. If you watch the AI-generated Joe Rogan speak, you'll know what I mean. They're not there yet, but they're moving down that pathway.

Its flour, salt, water, yeast. How much healthier is that in hard form instead of soft form?

I didn't hang around to find out, as they were so hard that we Americans were actually banging them on the sides of the tables lol! The local market near my university had a section of expensive imported 'American Foods' Including tiny "American-style pancakes" and you could get a pint of Ben & Jerrys for the equivalent of about $12 in Euros.

Mayo was tan-colored (not white at all) and came in these big long tubes (like toothpaste, but bigger). We actually asked the store if the mayo had gone bad or something, but they told us that our white US mayonaise was artificially colored to make it look that way.

Oh, and they sell sex toys right in the retail store at the mall I went to. I was shocked to see giant dildoes and dongs right on the end caps next to kitchenware. Gotta love those Germans! :)

Mayo is water, oil & egg.

If you use a yellow oil, and/or yellow-orange egg yolk, it will come out a muddy light yellow color.

So, use a very pale oil, mostly egg white, and some bleach, and you get american mayo.

And those tubes are creepy. Like grabbing a large worm.

Also, chedder cheese is snot colored. We in America dye it orange.