I was following you until the picture of that guy carrying the handbag.
I get where you are coming from, but to be honest this should just be applied to 'people'. Why does it have to be linked to a specific gender?
What makes women so special? People read these posts and start to believe that they have to do all these things because somebody else said so.
When in reality, it doesn't matter if it's a woman or a bloke. Just be respectful and kind. It's not that hard.
My mind just switched off when I saw that picture haha. I just think the whole stigma surrounding 'women praising' is crazy. I'm by no means a woman hater or somebody who treats people like shit. I just find that it ends up being expected to a ridiculous degree.
The cringe when you see women who call themselves a princess. Get a grip.
LOL, I get the feeling. It gets into the head of some. Some others are better mothers, sisters, and lovers because of it.
@klynic please do a post telling us what men wouldn't tell us, i guess this would make @calumam understand that every gender his special
lol, he sure has his point dear, I will for sure do one for the guys. Ladies better be ready.