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RE: Guns Kill People… Or is it People?

in #writing7 years ago

So long as people have the desire to kill, they will act upon these heinous urges. We need to address the reasons that these people devalue human lives. guns aren't the easiest things to get your hands on, and if you want to do the most damage possible, guns aren't the most effective tool, explosives would be. And you can figure out how to make an ied with enough google searching. These people commit these crimes of passion because they are damaged psychologically. We need to find ways to address those issues. Not use legislation as an emotive response to remove firearms from millions of law abiding citizens... That simply will not end well for anyone.


Well said, if people really wanted to reduce so called "gun violence" the answer would not lie in more gun restrictions, they would call for the end of drug prohibition and/or for better mental healthcare.