The Effects of the Snooze Button

in #writing7 years ago


There’s something about the morning, and I don’t mean: morning alarm, snooze, alarm, into the shower then into the rush. I mean the real morning and the real rush.

Maybe you know exactly what I mean. It is the morning where you’re up and early before the alarm reminds you that the warmth of your bed is just so temporary. There’s barely any sun, somewhat sad and somewhat beautiful; more so poetic.

There’s barely any urge to check your phone, you check it anyway. Bad habits are bad, which we all forget all too often. Hang tight, there’s a smell about to enter the atmosphere. Caffeine. Reach out for a book, when was the last time we sat whole heartedly with a book without paying for a coffee at a cafe to look cool.

There’s only so much you can give yourself before pen meets paper and heart writes it thoughts. It’s the best part of the morning. The real morning. The real rush.

Alarm goes off, you’re supposed to wake up now. Shower, brush up, hello material world. No, the world is different today. Somewhat beautiful, somewhat sad but definitely more poetic. The drive seems tolerable for a change and the office has parts of it undiscovered. It’s funny how much of a difference is: a mind waking up before the body.

Creation is the heart of life and creativity is the answer to all challenges. So is life with it's endless surprises. A day can be defined as a consistent series of challenges. From the moment we wake to even the art of falling asleep, all of which are challenges we learn to overcome. The snooze button is a wrecking ball that swings above your head every single morning.

The productivity of your day relies on multiple factors however we can concentrate on one basic human trait: self-esteem. We do not learn much of it in school and most of us go through life without recognizing its importance as without it we would be facing challenges without any knowledge of how much confidence we actually posses. Fast forward ten years, we're lying on a stranger's couch asking for solutions without being able to solve problems ourselves. The snooze button is a bad contribution to your self-esteem if you had made promises to wake up at a certain time at any point of your life.

At this point, it must seem pretty straight forward. We say we would be up at 8 and set the alarm a five minutes before. According to Sleep Junkie, about 2/3 of women hit snooze in general and a little over half of men. Just by hitting snooze once, you would pass the 8am mark. This effects us more deeply than we realize for at the heart of it; we have failed the first challenge of the day. Add up the number of days you dishonored the promise to yourself and I can end this article early. Setting multiple alarms and sleeping past the promised time does't exclude you from this either. Every promise you break effects both your self-esteem and self-respect. Instead of facing challenges with confidence, we now have to face them with what's left of our willpower.

Alarm, snooze, alarm. Rush, shower, rush, work. We missed the sunrise, we missed the opportunity to create something timeless. We missed a day worth living. But hey, we got an extra 10 minutes.