| #Chaospunk Issue #10 | {:|< Silver>|:} }]|[ The Epic of Magus Aurelius ]|[[ Stardate Phase 3 : Act 4 ]|

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

(Image was found through random google search / imgsource)

Today my mission was to finish cleaning up the room that I planned to use as my lab/study. I collect all the remaining papers and documents that had been scattered across the floor and put them aside until I know what to do with them, considering that most of the writing was written in a foreign language .. While tidying up, I imagine all of the interesting experiments I've considered playing around with for a few days .. While cleaning the room, I only had to toss a few useless items that I found tossed in the corner of the room.

Phew! .. "Done!"

I take a nice long moment to slowly inhale deeply for three counts, so to bring my awareness back to center. I then brush myself off .. I fatefully look up toward the top of the shelf and I notice something peculiar sitting up top .. “I should have easily noticed this before... how could I have missed this? .. No way! .. It's like it was dropped off miraculously without me noticing!"" it appears to be a moderate sized box with a curious envelope attached on top .. now, I’m the type of person who pays exceptional detail to the subtle variables within my environment, so I find this discovery to be exceptionally bizarre after spending two entire hours cleaning up this room, that I would only notice this now.

(Postcard with CRITICAL Silver Key)

Excited, I open the letter on top .. none of the writing that I find written on the note is familiar to me, so I have no ability to interpret nor draw any accurate meaning out of what is written, which is a huge let down for me, however I notice that inside the envelope there is also a skeleton key attached inside. Within the inner handle of the key, there are four inner circles sitting inside inside a bigger circular symbol on the key handle, this is another clear symbolic connection to the symbol that I found in the middle seal etched into the middle of the ground in the center of the room .. I can’t help but draw a connection here.. needless to say however, I can feel that this symbol I continue to find holds is incredibly holy in it’s inherently protective essence.

I begin to open the box that was housing the parcel, and it appears that within the box there is a large silver shaped device that's about the size of a dinner plate. The device is surprisingly light-weight, and has an assortment of various dials, buttons, numbers, and alien hieroglyphics laser-etched perfectly on it's side ,, it also reads in English: "Holographic Projector Display" (HPD) .When held, it ergonomically sits within and on the top of my hand quite comfortably ..

After pressing the (||“(X)”||) The device begins making a few startup sounds before launching"( “(Click~>Click)” ) | Chirp Chirp |" as the (HPD) (Holographic Projector Display) device turns on for the first time .. the device locks into an anti gravity phase, which allows me to hold the disc weightlessly with my arm outstretched. it appears to attach itself to my body wherever I place it, and it rides my body wherever I leave it .. The device has a nice, sleek, futuristic style and streamlined design Very* Cool!”* .. “I've never seen technology quite as advanced as this before!”

The (HDP) suddenly speaks, which catches me completely by surprise: (Please insert registration keycard to continue) .. "Whoa!" .. confused I look around.

There is another more slightly larger box that I find within the parcel package as well. I open the box and find that it is carrying a small silver box inside as well as a gold box, both the gold and silver appear to be real precious metals as well. The style of both of the boxes is surprisingly streamlined and carries the same futuristic design of the other disc. On both of the boxes, they each have individual slots for a key to enter.. My first instinct is to immediately attempt to fit the silver key into the silver box.

| [Click ] /Swish | ~> The silver box opens.


After the key unlocks the silver box, the plate found atop the box gently slides off.

I attempt to open the gold box as well, but it turns out that this key clearly doesn’t fit inside and is unable to unlock this lock. "Kinda saw that one coming..." The design for this particular gold box doesn’t seem to fit the same nuance design of the silver key either. ”I guess we’ll have to find the other key when it wants us to find it, I suppose.”

I open up the lid of the silver box and notice another coin shaped device found in this box as well, except this one is MUCH smaller, and shaped like a small oval. It also says on the top quite clearly "KEY" "Straight forward .. I like it!".. so I immediately slide the key into the key-slot in the (HPD), and they slide together smooth like a buttered up glove, offering a very satisfying thwoomp sound which notifies me that the two devices have now become connected.

I open the card which contains a few basic directions, and a very small screen pops out of the card, suddenly the small screen gives me instructions with how to connect, and get this device working

The device begins to speak : “Place the Holographic Projector Display (HPD) directly on top of the middle of 7 pointed star symbol that you will find etched on the ground within the middle of the room."

I move the (HPD) to suggested area above the [7star] symbol and suddenly, holographic instructions are displayed for me to read:

Alchemists Directions:
**For now, during the initial transmissions, for added spiritual safety, as well as to promote and embody aetheric cleanliness, it is ALWAYS advised and suggested by me that you are seated as close to the center of the 7 pointed star found directly in the middle of the room .. This basic symbol is immensely powerful for protection and acts as a strong spiritual deterrent against malevolent spirits who may wish to enter uninvited. The dial on the side of your (EPC) device must be dialed into Phase 7 in order to properly connect with my life-stream. and In order to clarify the channel further. For further reduction of timeline-hitches and unwanted anomalies, this next suggestion is CRITICAL, this should also naturally reduce any static/turbulence that we may experience through this convoluted method of communication. however I'm beginning to digress .. **

Labels regarding the placement of various "Materia" on my (EPC) device are now made apparent for me to see.

(Image found via Google Image search / Source)

The key to a complete and clean channel between us is this: you must attune your (EPC) device to be automatically set to converge during it's ascension into the 21st codex, OR "7 to the power of 3" (whichever method is easier for you). From my own personal tests that I've run thus far, I've seen minimal breakups or hitches by use of this method. By my logic this communication method should work quite well, despite some various hiccups that we may or may not experience (hiccups are to expected within ANY experiment, as you know). Depending on which make and model of the (EPC) device that you are currently using, as well as the Your own unique "Storage|Cloud" named “Cloud7” which you should now be connected to store/upload/download critical documents and books at all times at your fingertips very beckoning.. Anything that you directly upload into the "Cloud7" storage cloud server, will directly and immediately be shared with me as well as the Pleadian Backup Crew, always with immediacy to be called upon by your own discretion. You may or may not need to go into your (EPC) device yourself and make the proper adjustments necessary for the new adjustments to work the way in which I've described .. In my timeline, this is a brand new, groundbreaking experiment, so we've got to remember this fact and keep that in mind .. patience here is a must!!*

(7 pointed protection star. Direct symbolic link to Alchemists Life-Stream/Portal)

"Abrahadabra!" (I create what I speak)

Current Level Stats For Character {[ Arch Magus ]} [ T. Aurelius ] :

| Magus T. Aurelius | { Elders Guild } | 777 EXP ~> LVL UP!!!
LVL 13 [Arch Magus] ^LVLUP^ NOW ~> LVL15 [Arch Magus]
Charisma : 57 -LVL SAM - : 57
Strength : UP -LVL SAM - : 27
Learning ~> Planeswalker Skillset ~> In Progress (25%)

Learning ~> Blue Magick Skillset ~> In Progress (20%)
^NEW^ materia installed into EPC Device
Restore Materia - Now Aciivated |>Cure|>Cura|>Curaga| Spells Available and Activated!
Holy Materia - Now Activated |Ultima| Spells now Available!
Summon Materia - Bahamut Now Activated - [GF]Initiated|x|

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"This is not a game."