My Dream World In Five Years.

in #writing7 years ago

It is said if wishes were horses even the beggars would ride. It is man's nature to wish to be better than what he presently is.

A poor man wants to have money, a rich man wants to get richer. A cripple would wish for legs, an able man would wish for a car. The list goes on and on.

Dreams and aspirations are quite different from wishes. Wishes most times are unrealistic while dreams and aspirations if realistic enough can be achieved through consistency and hard work.

My father would say when you keep hitting a hard material in one spot, it doesn't matter, one day, you would surely make your mark if you keep at it without fail.

So what are the dreams i have for my life in five years? First, let me indicate this post is inspired by the contest by @mountainjewel. Let me get started.

My first goal is happiness. What would it profit me to gain the whole world and lack happiness in my life.

My happiness is very important to me so i don't joke with that. If you don't know, happiness and peace of mind keep the doctor My philosophy!


I want success. I know that what we wish to be may not always be what we get but i hope to have enough money to sponsor my study abroad. I want to be a plant biotechnologist. I would like to have a research farm where all things plants are explored to eliminate food scarcity.


How can one be truly happy in a world that is filled with hungry desolate people? How can one live with the knowledge that while you wine and dine, others somewhere are starving. For this reason, i would have a shelter where anyone can come to for comfort and shelter.

I also have zero tolerance for violence and abuse against women. I want to be in a position where i can render help and comfort to affected women and children. A shelter should do the job nicely.

To achieve all this, financial freedom is desired. With this, just about anything can be achieved.

Yes, i should not forget. In five years, i should have my own family that i treasure above all in the world. I say again, what is the point of being successful without having someone to share it all with.

Someone should be there for me to welcome or to welcome me after a hard tiring day at In this case, friends just won't do.

A happy family is a goal everyone should look forward to.

My dream for my country Nigeria is for it to be a better place to be devoid of corruption with honest leaders who have the interest of the country at heart.

To conclude, i know success is achievable if only we work towards it. Time fly fast. Before i know it, five years is here. That is why i work to achieve my dreams for my future. What are your dreams? Care to share? Join the contest.


Oh My DAD----i Like this smile @cheekah

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100% upvote- I wish for all of your dreams to come true! I love how you were thinking so much of others in your vision, but also making a solid wish for yourself to have a stable family as well. thanks for your entry!

Thank you so much for your compliment and i really appreciate the upvote too.