A storm is coming.
You can see the eye.
What kind of storm?
I cannot say,
For it's of the unearthly type.
Its' unfamiliarity breeds fear.
It is an eerily beautiful looking storm though.
original digital art & writing by @chelsea88
A storm is coming.
You can see the eye.
What kind of storm?
I cannot say,
For it's of the unearthly type.
Its' unfamiliarity breeds fear.
It is an eerily beautiful looking storm though.
original digital art & writing by @chelsea88
Interesting, because I feel it too. It also feels like it will be liberating.
"weathering the storm" usually is liberating =)
I think we all feel it? It's an amazing time to be alive!
I wish I felt it. I'm in the throes of depression. Felt better a few days ago. Bleh
It is such an intense time. The things that help me feel better in spite of the onslaught of negativity and overwhelm is quiet time in nature, social media fasting and yoga/practice. Are you going running today?
reminds me of the movie Solaris
Never seen it. Now i want to lol
It's like a whirlwind , nice
Thanks a bunch