Runako: A Short Story {Part 8}

in #writing7 years ago

8.I took some guards back with me. We got out of the forest only to find the kraal was surrounded. I felt myself shift, my temper rising. Clouds began to gather. This would have to be the end of everything I knew and loved. I would not allow such evil to conquer the land. I stood up gracefully from the bush we were hiding. Rain pattered softly on my skin, subtly reminding me of the power I wielded. Winds moved through the trees, ripping branches and leaves off like paper. This was the time to choose; would I use my powers to end the evil that had sown itself in my kingdom. The guards knew better than to restrain me, I suppose they also felt the wrath emanating from me.
Some assassins spotted me and immediately ran towards me and my guards attacking. I raised my arms to the skies and a bolt of lightning hit them before they could throw their spears. It was like a humming of electricity went through me. I kept moving and a gust of wind destroyed the gates as if they were mere paper. I could feel a hurricane straining to leave my body. I calmed myself, '..not yet...' the wind whispered.
There was chaos amidst the kraal. Battle ensued everywhere. My guards ran to my side as a measure to protect.
“Gather everyone and retreat to the palace!” I shouted.
"Bolt the doors, no one goes in or comes out…I must end this!”
If I didn’t make a move now, I would not win this. I could see Mativenga on top of the altar in the centre of the kraal yard. He was inciting his armies against the people. They were killing innocent people in the process. My armies were fighting back menacingly but in order to save the remnant that Chinoera spoke of ,I had to act now.
The Prince was at the ,forefront, spear in hand ,bloody and all. I had to get to him for my plan to work. I set into fighting stance, my blood began to run cold as ice in my veins.
"Control yourself, or you will kill the Prince with all of them!" I told myself.
I concentrated and the wind started to pick up speed, thunder roared louder. I stood straighter and walked right into the middle of the battle. No one would harm me, let alone touch me for fear of being blown away or incinerated to ashes. Every soldier, assassin or otherwise stayed out of the way.
I reached the center of the chaos. The smell of blood was overpowering and a deep sorrow filled my heart for the lives lost already. How could this fool stand there and goad such violence! It was a despicable sight and it only gave me more courage to end this evil.
“My Prince…”
He was covered in blood and I hoped none of it was his. He was panting, on guard. I had never seen such a look in his eyes, of purpose and battle.
“You must take every soldier left back into the kraal gates. I will end this now..”
Surprisingly, he did not argue. I must have looked as daunting as I felt. My soldiers began to retreat into the kraal gates and Mativenga looked pleased with himself. His rebels however would not go near me, and that gave me courage.
“I have no idea what gave you the guts to do this ,you old crocodile. But be assured that it ends now! Remove yourself from my kingdom now or suffer the consequences!”
He jumped off the rock he was standing on. His eyes were wild with power, even though he had yet to win this fight.
“Such audacious pride for one standing in the presence of an angry Rain Queen..I would check myself if I were you.”
“The Queen herself…” he stopped and laughed like a hyena.
“Have you come to surrender your crown to me? Or rather meet your death right here? We all know how this will play out. I will crush you like a bug and rule this kingdom as I am rightfully entitled to. My ancestors would be proud that I have put you in your place, woman….”
He took his dagger, walking towards me as if to attack. It took only a wave of my hand and he was knocked a few steps back.
“You have made yourself clear as to where you stand, and I have no choice but to rid myself of your evil.”
I walked and stood with my back to the gates of the kraal. They had been bolted on my command. The soldiers seemed unsure of what to do. Some were contemplating attack and others looked ready to flee. I was sorry I could not spare any one of them, there had to be no chance of rebellion in the future.
I raised my hands to the skies.."Musikavanhu, Great your hand in this kingdom I have judged and have set a punishment for these evildoers. If it is not your will to protect those which you have given me rule over, then I shall meet my end. If it is your will, grant me the full potential of my power now for I seek only to protect my people..and to destroy the seed of evil.
Fire of the heavens! Winds of the seven Seas and Thunder, the wrath of the Gods..The power of the sky, the power of the earth…avail yourself to me! "
The sky blackened, and lightning bolts began to strike every which way. Thunder roared and a ravaging storm ensued. There was hail and wind. Anyone without shelter would not escape. The power within me drove incessantly and my wrath manifested with the storm. Soldiers cried out as the storm hit, some tried to run, unhinged by the sight of death nearing. There was wailing everywhere as lightning hit every moving thing in sight. It was a horrific sight but I could not stop until the deed was done. Trees were uprooted. The earth shook and opened as if to swallow the filth. I felt like I rode on air as the elements raged on unbridled. For a while it went on, then the rained suddenly ceased and the wind died. It grew eerily quiet, death was all around. I could smell burning flesh before I saw it. I did not need to look twice. Tears ran down my face as I turned to the gates. No one deserved such a fate but it had to be done. Grief passed through me as I thought of all the men dead because of their stupidity in following an evil man.
But I had more to do if Chinoera was right about those prophecies. I walked back into the kraal and had the guards gather everyone.
“Are you alright?” the Prince asked. There was concern in his eyes, and I felt bad for having involved him in this. But now was not the time for sentimentalities.
“I’m fine. We have bigger things to worry about. We can no longer be in this kingdom. The land has been scarred by the wrath of Musikavanhu. The blood spilt today will always haunt me and every other person who saw what happened. I must ask you… Will you go with me or will you stay with your kingdom? ”
“You are my wife and we have been joined together. If you must leave then so must I.”
I was astounded, but I took it in stride. He had to be some superhero. Or extremely traditional.
“Thank you. For your loyalty, and your love. I must address the people now.”
“My fellow countrymen. For generations we have abided in this kingdom, and we are rooted here. However, I regret to say we can no longer be here as a people. Because no matter what reason I had for doing what I did today, defending our heritage and the lives I lead, there still was blood shed here. No matter how evil these men were, their blood will always clamour for our souls. And the wrath of the Gods that showed itself today will never let me rest in this land either. There is another land, where our remnant can live in peace, our children and grandchildren can make a life for themselves. I only ask that you put your faith in me and follow me. Follow the rain queen and the power of Musikavanhu that moves through my veins.”
There was movement among the crowd, and I saw the old elder, the trusted advisor who had served the throne all his adult life.
“We have forged our loyalty to you this day, and we have seen Musikavanhu curse the wicked in this land. Not one person in this audience would think otherwise but to follow the one chosen by the gods. Where you lead, we are to follow. No bones are needed to confirm that.”
There were shouts and grunts of agreement. And so we headed to the old caverns. I had killed an army alone and still these people followed me. If it wasn’t loyalty, it was plain fear. We reached the cavern where Chinoera was, and I was agitated. She needed to survive so that she could tell me what to do next. But apart from that, she was my mother and losing her would devastate me.
She was alive, but she looked ashen.
“Amai! Thank the gods you are alive!”
“Well done, my child. I felt you….your power has reached full potential. But now you must take the remnant to another realm, where they will thrive and another kingdom will be born. It is the only way to make sure the Rain Queen continues to reign. The prophecy says the wrath of the Gods will render this land cursed. The only hope for the kingdom to continue is if you take them to this new realm. The walls say that there will be a shift. Just as legend speaks of the First Rain Queen who changed history, so shall you be. This is a new rule in a new domain…and you shall be remembered for this day. Now go…”
“Amai, where am I to go… I don’t understand. I don’t know what to do.” I took her hand pleadingly.
“This is where I end. I cannot go with you. It is your destiny you must follow, and the answer lies in you. That wall, “ she pointed to the end of the cave, “is your entryway to the other realm. You know what to do.”
I looked at the rock wall. There was no way out through there. I knew what she was saying and it hurt deep in my core. She was dying. I had to let her go. I asked the healer to say the parting words, words that would lead her soul to the afterlife.
"Goodbye Amai."
I was choking on my own tears. She would soon die and I would not be there when she took her last breath.
I looked at the wall and had the people follow behind me. Something seemed to shift in the air. There was a soft hum filling the cave. I felt like I was being shifted from my body. This was exactly the dream I had had! The prince was looking intently at me. I looked at the wall and raised my arms…and it opened! Right before my eyes!The rock did not move or break down, it just opened! And as the people moved through it , I felt a jolt…Everything was fading, becoming blurry. I was struggling to hold on. It was as if I was drowning…


I enjoyed reading, followed and upvoted you. Interesting..... What next?

So engaging to the end

the finale is next.keep reading..and thank you for your time.