Very correct, @smyle, we should always endeavour to tackle the topic and not the writer.
@zizymena, believe it or not, the truth remains that 99.9% of women if not 100% love to have at least 20 to 30 minutes of sex in other to reach orgasm.
Please lets note that there is difference between "to like sex" and "spending long time per sex."
We have to understand that the ability to like sex more depends on the level of secretion of sexual hormones: those who have high level secretion of sexual hormones tends to have more urge for sex while those who have low level secretion of sexual hormones tends to have low urge for sex. Therefore, is very wrong to generalize or conclude that woman or men like sex more. To like sex doesnt depend on gender; Anyone can like sex irrespective of the gender.
On the other hand, whether someone with high or low sex drive; it does not prevent them from wishing for longer time during sex. Statistically, it shows that women are the ones who wish for longer time during sex.
Today, many women divorce their husbands because of their inability to spend longer time during sex. Also, many women cheat in their marriages and some in relationship cheat on their guy because of their inability to last long as they desire.
In conclusion, l support the topic. The writer has done justice to the topic by justifying it with facts.