One cannot write good essays without having a concrete idea of grammer and concord. I definitely agree with you. I once thought students who although had great ideas were not able to project them properly or score good grades because of their lack of understanding of the two concept.
We are definitely what we read. Before, my favorite books were romance novels, but when I saw I was gaining little or nothing from them, I had to switch to inspirational and non-literary articles.
You got it right @chiknows. You seem new to Steemit tho. Welcome.
About the "kind" of books and their uses, that remains a debate for many people. I do believe one thing tho: they all have their functions in our lives. Some of them are meant to build your empathy and understanding of your fellow humans while some focus more on stretching your intellectual abilities and thinking.
Aren't there some that don't build anything?
Like anything at all.
They always build something. There is always that one line, one sentence you will get to take out from a book, any book.
I see. But its Goddamned to hard to read something way too boring just to look for that one important line you know ?
yh that's true. reason why some, if not most will advice reading a genre you enjoy