Loneliness Revisited

in #writing5 years ago

It's been about two years since I wrote on this topic and it would be good to revisit something that may help others.

Loneliness is commonly used to describe a negative emotional state experienced when there is a difference between the relationships one wishes to have and that one perceives one has.

The human concept is a strange thing. A main point that all people want or at least should want is peace and unity in oneness. The opportunity to be around those they love as much as possible. Everyone has their own genetically established need of inclusion that will differ from person to person. Those with a higher need will find it difficult to not escape the feeling of being alone. This is referred to as a Level of Vulnerability to Social Disconnection.


Another factor in this is regulating emotions associated with isolation. Most people will fall into distress if their needs of companionship or love aren't being met. It can become a chronic state of being upset. Managing your feelings of isolation will affect the kind of pain you may or may not feel in these times and makes it difficult to evaluate another person's intentions properly, like seeing rejection where there is none. Learning to grab hold of the emotions behind this and thinking through a situation while trying to see things how the other person would, may help achieve a better result.


A lonely person will often have the mindset that they're unworthy of a person's time and try not to bother anyone at all, and when no interaction is received from other people, especially people they care about, they can often fall into a dark place. This is based on the mental representations and expectations of others. It can lack a sense of reason and affect them even when they're around people. What's most difficult is some people can hide their loneliness in almost any other emotion. Happiness and anger are popular ones. Or pretend they don't even care at all, secluding themselves on purpose in fear of being hurt. In large crowds, they can also feel more lonely than they do when they're alone. It's a pretty complicated subject when you dig into it.

It turns out that feeling lonely can do more than make you sad: It can predict the way your body will respond to and bounce back from various health challenges. Lonely people are more likely to get sick, and researchers want to know why.


Loneliness can also lead to depression, which would make a person's health much worse and can even lead to a premature death, and some studies even say it is deadlier than obesity.

Researchers are warning that loneliness and social isolation is becoming a greater public health threat than the widely discussed problem of obesity.
More and more people in the US are living alone, with declining marriage rates and fewer children - and psychologists are warning that the spread of loneliness is increasing our risk of premature death.


It's pretty clear how dangerous and damaging loneliness can be. Having been there for multiple years of my life, although my immune system was never really affected (as its always been ridiculously high) it has been a factor into depression a few times, as well as terrible life choices. Mastering emotions, practicing oneness, multiple topics I've written on before could help these feelings. If you know or think you know anyone who feel this way, it's always good to try and reach out to them before it's too late. As Matthew 22:37-39 state:

Yeshua said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

However, would you believe loneliness isn't always bad? Some people will turn to solitude in order to find God or in order to turn away from the world if they need to recover from something traumatic, or used by other people. It can help build back trust and the want to be around others. It all depends on the kind of situation, whether self-induced or cast upon someone. What do you think? Let me know below!

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