Brilliant post, @keilahgreen ! :-D I LOVE hearing from others who dare to enter the Flow of LIVING rather than donating all their life-force to the system; it is truly amazing what transpires when we remove ourself from agendas and begging for the crumbs, and take our Right-full place in the world... MUCH more challenging, but INFINITELY more honourable, healthy, freeing, expansive, deeeply satisfying, etc, etc, etc...
I've been a non-commercial co-creator (conventionally referred to as 'artist') for my entire adult life, bar two stints in regular boss-coorporation-wage jobs - the jobs lasted for just a few months, as they sucked the vitality out of me, even though I was surrounded by art or teaching art...
I've never compromised since, and it has been a tad precarious at a couple of points over the past decades, but nothing can meet the immense value of owning one's own Life rather than being owned!!
Thank you so much, that is so kind and so encouraging. I have no idea what I'm doing with this app but I'm trying and hopefully I'll learn fast. So good to hear how you have made it further along the journey, cheering you on all the way!!!