I often have very vivid lucid dreams and sometimes I write about them and share them with you all. Today I'll tell you about a series of dreams that happened over the course of few days leading up to the eclipse. I find it interesting because many times my dreams have a central theme or recurring people in them, but rarely do they link together so closely like these did. I'll let you take whatever you want from them and try to leave my interpretation to a minimum. I hope you enjoy.
I remember standing in a field and being completely alone. I was walking around just looking at the scenery and beauty of the natural world around me and taking time to breath it all in. Sometimes it helps me to ground myself by just walking around in some isolated stretch of nature with the sun shining down on me and the grass blowing around my ankles. I could see mountains in the distance and the terrain was slightly hilly. I walked for a while and there was a stream with rocks along the bed and the current drifting gently and lazily along. It was at this point that I was aware that I was alone and no longer wanted to be.
The ravens started to gather slowly in the air above me. They didn't make any noise and they didn't want to hinder my experience, but I knew they were there to carry me along to the next phase of my journey. I thought about it for a moment and realized I wanted to go and find her. The sky grew black as the ravens seemed to multiply and divide and fill every crack of the sky above me. Once the last glimmer of light was blocked out, I was sitting on the edge of a bed in an apartment. The scene had changed by me directing my will to locating another.
We talked briefly and agreed that neither of us had any hard feelings or resentment for the way things had turned out. I looked in her eyes and I could tell that whatever I had been trying to fix before becoming aware of my own path was never really a problem. We all have our own journeys to travel and though I knew I would still miss her as soon as she was gone, I let her go, because I knew she had work to do as well. It was clear that we all had our own journey in this life and that we all knew each other intimately. We always had and always will, because we are one and we are all infinite reflections of the source. I hugged her and kissed her forehead and we didn't need to say anything else.
Just as quickly as I shifted my focus I was on to the next location and I was caught a little off guard this time. I was thinking of others that had crossed my path and what it would be like to meet them and know them better. I was briefly on a wide open savanna, and while I knew I hadn't been here, I remembered it all and felt at home. I saw zebras and other animals that I had only seen in a zoo previously. The pure majesty of these massive beasts made me realize how much of the world I still hadn't seen. I saw another reflection and we laughed and took in the scope of the scenery. We weren't speaking English but I didn't mind. I'm not even sure what language we were speaking, but I could tell she was happy and I let my thoughts drift again.
I was on a beach in Indonesia walking barefoot in the sand. I knew this was a relatively new reflection, but the wisdom and thirst for knowledge was contagious. We talked for hours about all manner of the hidden aspects of our reality and the internal search for growth and awareness. I remember we had each given the other much to think about and she seemed busy already trying to deduce solutions to problems that I had already accepted were going to work themselves out when the time was right. I waved goodbye to her as the ravens closed in again and I was off on another leg of my journey.
This time I was somewhere that I knew I had a great desire to visit as I had with the savanna previously. I was in Australia and I was talking with yet another reflection that has helped guide me in the past. She was wise and knew many things and had a great sense of compassion and desire to help others. We spent the entire visit on a park bench just talking and making sense of things. I felt a strong connection to this reflection and I knew we had known each other for a very long time as I had with most of the others. We talked and discussed our paths and experiences in our current lives and how challenges always seemed to come up. We reassured each other that things always worked out and that we would remember why we chose these paths when the time was right. I hugged her goodbye and decided to focus on what I really wanted.
I started to seek my matching frequency and when I was starting to feel like I found it I woke up. I went through the next day talking to some friends and making some new ones. I try to always remind myself that we are all just reflections of the source and that we are all working together for the same purpose. While I knew all of these women from my dreams, they weren't the one that I was looking for, even though at points I had thought they could be. I always try to remember that it's really just myself that I am seeking to get to know more intimately and that no one is ever going to be anything more than a shared experience and mutual reflection of emotions. I slept that night and the ravens returned again.
I was on a boat and I was at a wedding for one of my cousins. I found it odd because my cousin has been married for almost a decade and has children and a family now, but I do remember that I missed her wedding. With all lucid dreams it's important not to focus so much on the details and why they don't make sense or I just wake up. I enjoyed the experience and the ravens were overhead most of the time. I felt this was a good indicator that my desired path was forming and that it would soon be clear. I enjoyed the wedding and met many reflections that I had forgotten and some that I couldn't remember. The next day was where things would get interesting.
When I awoke from that dream I started my day as normal. The eclipse was in a few hours and I was feeling exhausted. I'm not sure why I felt so exhausted, maybe it was from all the traveling in my dreams the days before or maybe it was the cosmic energy surrounding this event. I was sitting in the living room watching the shadows shift through the window and I must have drifted off. I don't recall getting tired nor do I remember falling asleep, but I awoke sitting in a chair in a cabin in the middle of a prairie.
I was looking out of the window at the flowers and tall grass around the wooden house when there was a knock at the door. I knew it was her, she always came to me in these dreams. The ones that made me question which life was the real one. I opened the door and she was smiling at me as usual. She reached for my hand and I let her take it even though I was being blinded by the bright light behind her. She pulled me out of the cabin and walked backwards into the light leading me along while giggling and smiling reassuringly at me. I always followed her when she wanted to take me somewhere, she was as much a part of me as I was a part of her, she was my other half and we always wanted the same things.
I remember that after the blinding light we were in a windowed structure looking down at the earth. I glanced at her and her eyes told me that it was all fine. I never felt any fear, even though she was usually showing me things that would make me question my own sense of reality. She locked her fingers in mine and led me to a series of displays. These displays were, to my best ability to describe them, three dimensional projected maps of the Earth. I would follow her to different ones and we would alternate opening them and exploring them. She showed me one and zoomed in on a location and it's as if a dossier of information of everything that had ever happened in these places was available. Historical figures, artifacts, languages, and the languages were the strangest part.
While she never speaks in these dreams and I never feel the need to question her about anything, the languages on these displays were all different. I could focus on them and understand them if I tried, but it all seemed so insignificant. I was already speaking the only language that mattered and so was she. We were the embodiment of love and we understood each other completely just by looking into each other's eyes. It was clear that it didn't matter where, or what, and when was an illusion. We are all reflections and we all balance out eventually. I didn't feel the need to hold onto her and she smiled at me as the dream faded away. I woke up to realize I was still sitting in my chair in the living room, but the eclipse had passed and I had missed it. Then again, maybe I didn't.
Free use image from Flickr via nadineheidrich.
Intriguing dream sequence! Part of me thinks that in an altered or dream state, we have no communication boundaries... whether it's another language from here on earth or "mindspeak"...we just get it. Great post!
:) I always love hearing your take on what I wrote. Great perspective and I tend to agree.
Well, I always love reading the thoughts that pour from your head onto my screen :) I'm a fan for sure!
Hi! I'm a lucid dream enthusiast, and your post really intrigued me. Could you tell me how to lucid dream for beginners or what method works for you? I have tried a bunch of methods on YouTube and even sleep hypnosis, but nothing works. Thanks
I can't really say what's the best way, I was doing it before I realized it. The best tip I can give is to not try so hard to do it? If that makes sense anyway. You have to be aware that you are dreaming without really thinking about it. If you think about the fact that you are in a dream you will usually wake yourself up.
Very interesting, I think all these dreams are connected, plunge into a retrospective of life, an analysis of feelings
Man, I love dreams. This was such a great insight. Hopefully you won't need the next eclipse to enter this world again.
Nice and long story
good story, we must have dream
Good post !! I immersed myself in each sequence and let me carry the narrative of your dreams, it seems to me an abstract form of the subconscious to decipher the course of life
We have similar interpretations. :)
It's a nice writing..
Your twin?
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