I have rarely seen a film exceed the book. But it does happen. I wish I could pull an example from my head, but I vaguely recall writing a review where this happened several years ago.
I have a huge fan of Philip K. Dick. I used to write at a website with is wife Tessa. I was fanboy thrilled by that. She is still a FB friend, although I seldom visit that website any more.
I just binged watched the Electric Dreams anthology on Amazon Prime. Each of the ten episodes based on one of his short stories. Like Man in the High Castle, I think they may eventually make subsequent seasons based on his work, but wholly original. They did okay with High Castle, but I have to watch Season 3 before I decide if they are still on track.
Anyway, to answer your question(s), I don't have firm opinions on the matter. The book is generally better than the movie, but I prefer movies.
Wow, now that must be quite the story. Would love to read about that if you ever choose to write about it (unless you have - link please :) ).
I have been a PKD fan for over 20 years. Although I haven't read all his books, I did read a large number of them at the time I crossed paths with his work. I am starting to go back through them all again.
I saw a couple of the Electric Dreams show, but unfortunately didn't have the chance to see the whole series. As for The Man in the High Castle - are you saying they have a third series to come. I thought they had completed it after 2. Need to re-watch it now and see how it ended. Are they venturing into completely new material?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic.
The website is defunct now. But I will see if I can find a cached link to her profile page.
The first season of high castle fracked the book closely. It was very true to the book. The second season was completely fabricated. I believe the third season will drop all at once like Amazon likes to do. Probably in a few months.
Great timing. Season three drops this coming Friday.
I found an old movie review she did. She was busby777. http://www.epinions.com/review/the_wolf_man_dvd_2010_2_disc_set_the_wolfman_10_movie_cash/155202864/525201018500
And an old wordpress where she talks about pkd. https://busby777.wordpress.com/2011/02/17/philip-k-dick-existentalist/
Yes, the High Castle series did appear to move further from the book the more it went on. That was my impression. Still will watch the third season and see how it goes.
Thanks for the links.