Hi all, truly I used to be a terrible writer, often I would use slang or abbreviations. These things at the time I thought was being efficient, now I realise I was just being inconsiderate and disrespecting the reader. Just making themwork harder to follow my communicated thoughts.
Today I am no longer a terrible writer; today I am not even a bad writer, but rather a poor writer. I read others works of Authoring artwork here and realise I must get a lot lot better at writing, networking and presenting. To that end I started the steemit college level education program . . .
These are basic ideas of how people should try and learn or use steemit better, I feel if I get better at Steemit my shareholdings will go up. If I help connect and work with others we will all win, if I help them achieve they will be improving my shareholdings while I sleep.
If you like steemit; surf around, find quality people and quality writers and analyse their work, see how you can improve your works for everyone involved. Over time as your skills develop and solidify so will your rewards. Steemit is about a new way of interacting with the world, work with others to improve yourself and help inspire others...
By working together and taking the time to consider any high qualification like a college education takes hours of study and at least two years of formal learning. Many authors here have already spent years learning, writing and presenting elsewhere. Take some opportunities to see if you can get good at and enjoy the artform of presenting.
Who know you might have some fun and earn some nice rewards : )
/ hugz ; )
Good attitude and good idea. We need more people like you on Steemit.
thank you; I believe in Steemit's mission, some things are worth working towards even if it has no tangible rewards...
Steemit just puts in some gold as extra incentive : )
/ hugz ; )
Where can i learn more about the program and get involved?
I just have some basic ideas in my blog postings, search for the tags like writing and seek out gifted writers, over time you will find quality writers, let me find her handle...
Sorry I cannot find it, it is an unusual name; I followed it to reread her ideas, now cannot find . . . / blah : (