Idea-less dust

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Idea-less dust

original poetry & philosophy


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When all the ideas have crumbled
There is a residue of dull pearl
Coating thy wand, plastered by worm-webbing
Becoming mummified by the white paralysis of dusk:
Though I swear: I glanced a nacre glint in death's incisor.

The stygian landscape,
Gushing with cobalt and dark green tourmaline streams,
Barren witness to the atramentous freshets lacing its peel
That seek the solace of the midnight ocean.

The moon is of bismuth and the clouds that veil it
Are of squid ink. The sky itself is hardened black light
Which only the loftiest thoughts can soar beyond.
Daytime is a mirage wavering with a sunflower smile
Just beyond the horizon of our village.

Only night keeps company
Obscuring even the flecks
That gravitate to thy sorcerous antenna
With such colorlessness they consume all color,
With such facelessness they all beings efface.

Though I swear, I dreamt some activation's route
Whereby the pull of this black hole
Could be reversed and nourish feeble souls
Yea even pull them out of turbid dust: for once to thrive
And blast empyrean idea-less gloom to finally come alive.




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Notes & philosophical discussion

If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll know I'm not a believer in writer's block. At least, not in the true sense of running out of ideas. I simply don't believe it's possible to not have ideas, although it is possible to believe you have no ideas. If you want to test the theory, create a piece of art about having no ideas, as I did here. The metaphor of a strange dust beginning to collect on one that is consuming all the color of the world and all of one's ideas came to me. Well would ya look at that, we've already got something to work with.


Art has many purposes including personal expression (often verging on the universal!) processing of experiences both favorable and traumatic, speculation about the nature of reality, creation of fantastical or fictional worlds from the imagination, educating or instructing, stimulating thought, attempting to channel something larger than oneself, attempting to express the inexpressible, building something tangible to be left to one's descendants, an expression of the sheer enjoyment of creating, etc. (The purposes are as endless as there are individuals to conceive of their own particular motivations.)


If one gives enough contemplation to the nature of reality, most will come to the conclusion that reality is either

1) Infinite in duration & dimension
2) if it is somehow limited, it is impossible for us
(at the present time) to declare its outer boundaries.

We, being integral shards of such a cosmos, share in its vastness. Whether we believe there is no limit thereof, or that such a limit is impossible to delineate, we come to the selfsame conclusion. How then could we declare our idea-lessness? Such a thing (itself an idea) is absurd! Does such a phenomenon arise in artists when they realize their art itself is to a degree meaningless in comparison with the larger truths of the universe?


Whatever the causes, self-cultivation is something of a panacea for such blockages. The soil of the psyche must be tilled, fertilized, and lovingly prepared: the seeds of aspiration and intention sown, before we can expect the flourishing vegetation to spring up within ourselves. In a world where taking total responsibility for all aspects of one's existence appears to be quite uncommon, we view those who aspire to greatness as outliers. Could it be that magnificence and genius of a near-inconceivable degree is the common inheritance of all humanity, once they arise and claim their lofty birthright?

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Written by

2/12/18 @d-pend

Images are
Free domain &
Edited by @d-pend.

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There are 2 pages

The moon is of bismuth and the clouds that veil it
Are of squid ink. The sky itself is hardened black light
Which only the loftiest thoughts can soar beyond.
Daytime is a mirage wavering with a sunflower smile
Just beyond the horizon of our village

The metaphors in this verse is quite brilliant. In an essence, the whole stanza is metaphorized something like the sky itself is s hardened black light

That was amazing, it's been a while I saw writers use hard core metaphor but here you are.
This is really awesome I had to read over and over again.
You're become superbly out of reach in awesomeness, you're sweetly writing these days on another level.

Well I can never run out of ideas ! Infact I keep a notepad with me because ideas can jump in anytime, but when I write fiction (which I have started recently), sometimes it happens that I don’t understand how to take the story forward that it seems logical and also interesting at the same time. I will call that a writer’s block i think. But that too is solved in a few hours or days 😛😅


Space in us. We are made of star dust. The whole universe is hidden in every person. This is the great mystery of the universe. All these rivers of our vessels, a string of nerve endings... Doesn't that sound like hundreds of galaxies in space? You've got a beautiful piece of poetry. I'm into poetry, too. This is a special part of my soul, perceiving the world in its beauty and sensuality. Take a look at my work, if you have the time. I would be interested to know your opinion about my poem.

You put wings on the letters So that they can fly up
And get to make nest In the eyes that look at you
You let the pen write What the soul dictates ...
Why do you know that whoever reads to you will be nourished
by your thought word because you chisel it from the bottom of your soul

doctor who heals souls To whom his letters give So that they reach the soul
Letters that leave a mark When you leave them ...
'Written with the pen of your soul' Congratulations! @d-pend To the writer of letters To the

You have used wonderful analogies in your poem. I truly enjoy reading them.
There are no limitations in the Cosmos, all the limitations are of the mind, you can stretch yourself how much ever you want and in any direction you want and that's where the thin line between the Good to Great comes into picture.

I think very human being has its own magnificence and its own intellect and most of them claimed its birthright. Some of them used it in a good way to help humanity but others used it to their own good and do bad things. But many others remains to live in a low profile. Each and every one of us has its own greatness but it is still up to us on how to use it.

@d-pend, Actually your poetry bringing me deepest mindset. Harder thinking thoughts indeed. Ideas creating and keep going world and humans. Without ideas non-create anything. Must thinking.......Look at around.......Anywhere's has humans ideas..Creative ideas came from deepest mind. So we need to control our mind then easily can manage ideas. Now I coming to this poem; It created nice comparison with whole planet. I swear, I'm going to deep meditation and looking human thoughts from my 03rd eye. 03rd eye give up valuable vision to us. Note and philosophical conversation would be awesome.Your writing style most inspire and motivate me every seconds. Poetry beginners need to must follow @d-pend. You can get more valuable contest from this posts. From Creative art works, get more rewards to your blog. Just excellent blogging.

Thank you so much for sharing this poem from the ends of the blackhole you have mined another beauty.

I love the way your poems end always giving us hope:

Yea even pull them out of turbid dust: for once to thrive
And blast empyrean idea-less gloom to finally come alive

There is no writer's block just a fear of the unexpected.
Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy and I envy those who are can get away with posting the same thing again and again. It is when I come here that energy kicks in. We spur each other on. I'm sorry if sometimes the world looks like an empty sea, a salty wasteland of places where water could have been. My blog may look like this sea but I'm digging deeper.

Thanks for keeping me inspired :)

Great writing friend. You have a rare depth to your being and your poetry is deep as well. I sometimes have to read it a couple of times to get the full effect.🐓

Though I swear, I dreamt some activation's route
Whereby the pull of this black hole
Could be reversed and nourish feeble souls
Yea even pull them out of turbid dust: for once to thrive
And blast empyrean idea-less gloom to finally come alive? .
. This part got me thinking,do you have a degree in poetry, and which noble University is that. Lovely poetry @d-pend

Go ahead.Very positive attitudes and philosophy versions entire @d-pend. I love this imaginary vision. You've see long distance for create poem. Excellent work.

Very positive attitude! Love, love the can-do of the no such thing as not having an idea or writer's block!

wow, fantastik @d-pend, this is so cool, those words really touch my soul. It can be a motivation for those who read your poem. I'm not surprised if every day you can create poems like this. Because you do have a very high life spirit. I think read, from some posts of others. They say that if we want to produce a beautiful poem, we should be able to make an appreciation and we must get into it, let us get the words for poetry. Actually I am still confused with all that. How do you think? Thanks @d-pend, you can always make my day more beautiful, with your poetry words... :)

Go ahead.Very positive attitudes and philosophy versions entire @d-pend. I love this imaginary vision. You've see long distance for create poem. Excellent work.

I love this soo much. If there is any lesson learnt is that there lies in me an infinite measure of ideas waiting to be set free

It's beautiful @d-pend. 🌌🌟🌌🌌🌟🌌

All stanzas are beautifully written .

I am intrigued by the meaning of the poem,
the grammar of the language is very beautiful, after I followed your post I want to learn to make poetry.
thanks @d-pend

Self cultivation is the key to success. Beautifully written poetry @d-pend, i enjoyed it

well, your poetry is full of meaning, I understand the meaning of your poetry because I am also a poet lover and often pour my heart in the form of a thank you poem

Some very sophisticated and effective imagery, d-pend. Wonderful write.

great and deep as always i like how you give words a feelings and how you specify things

Awesome poem

Brilliant poetry
My favorite part was this one:

Only night keeps company
Obscuring even the flecks
That gravitate to thy sorcerous antenna
With such colorlessness they consume all color,
With such facelessness they all beings efface.

You really should think about writing a poetry book :)

There is a great list of vocabuary, i will wish you use easy understanding words to create your poems

Its really awesome written poetry and good stuff @d-pend

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Your creativity is wonderful and seem goof. Your are talented and expertise by God gifted. I inspire and appreciated of steeming.

My support and fellow upvote always with yours nice blogs.

Steem on

very inspiring poem .At some point you have to accept that you have no idea. Then something may arrive so we have to try and create a piece of art about having no ideas.

Wow really beautiful your all word.just started to follow you,i think will learn more from you about poetry.

Great writting
You have great writing skills keep it up
I wish you all the best
Stay happy

great this is an ideal piece of write up, i love it

If you like you could go through my profile


isi menyentuh
words tunable language beautiful
I like to thank you

Vote me

great poetry bro like your poem it is meaningful and good☺

Great poem, buddy, as usual. Great photos too.

Of course I agree with what you wrote about writers block. We think very similar. Much of the time I think the cause of writers block is simply that we don't know where to begin. That is why limitations (such as a 5/7/5 syllable count or instructions such as "write about no ideas") help many folks write better.

I think also, writers block is a sign that we are thinking too much. Time to stop thinking, let the mind do it's job without micro-manging it. There is a reason why most of our best ideas happen in the shower when we otherwise aren't thinking.

As for what I believe reality is... Reality is [insert sound of my hitting a singing bowl and letting it ring out]. That is all.

Thank you so much for share a meaningful philosophy.

Why do i feel empty after reading this sir @d-pend? T_T

I am not a fiction expert and not an expert in writing. but everyone has instinct and precision in working. Very good @d-pend

Do you know if there is a community of writers and poets in the Discord?

Well yes, maybe it's just a psychological boundary but you still can call it a writer's block. There might be a moment when you want to write about something unique but every time you think of something, you understand that another guy has already talked about that. Or you need to write a post on specific topic but you do not have your opinion yet and it takes time for you to form it. And there might be many more possible scenarios.

"Only night keeps company
Obscuring even the flecks
That gravitate to thy sorcerous antenna
With such colorlessness they consume all color,
With such facelessness they all beings efface"

Really night is the best companion when we are left alone by all the people around us only night truly acompany us till the dawn.

An inspiring and soul touching masterpiece of poetry.

@d-pend the explanation at the end of your each and every post is also your uniqueness. You represent the ideas in a magnificent way.

ohh such a strong writing

human its enough to be complicated

Creating a formless being
The dust gathers
In the euphoria of her mind
The dust becomes
Something less vague
But less concrete too
Creating no nothingness
Begging for a release
To show all
The beauty of oblivion

Nice poetry you've got here.

@d-pend is a blessing to us here. There's no time I visit your blog that I become less inspired. I am rather blown and motivated to write too.

Thanks for the philosophical discussion. It is well related.

I agree. Writer's block is something I've had trouble believing in myself. I find that when I can't think of anything to write, it's mostly because I'm not looking, if you get what I mean. Whenever I make a conscious decision to open my mind to inspiration, it flows.

Great poem, by the way!

Full of hope and wisdom. We human beings are blessed with a very talented brain. If our mind is willing then we are not empty of ideas.

The harder we work, the luckier we become. With constant tilling of land can yield good produce of crops. Same applies to the mind, the more you think; the more you are able to create wonderful ideas.

really the poetry is very nice and touching the hearts of all people, I really like your poetry. you are a motivation for me

I like your poetry, i think You are a sensitive person. Please check my last post and Tell me what you think thank you.

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