The absence of light, at least that's what people think it is. If light represents peace, happiness and all things good then darkness, the absence of light must represent the absence of all things good right? Wrong!
According to encyclopedia
"Darkness is the mysterious, impenetrable ground and source of light; and light becomes associated with creation. It grants and is therefore a symbol for the primal conditions of life: warmth, sensuality, and intellectual and spiritual enlightenment". So what if darkness is mysterious and scary, it doesn't necessarily make it bad, but I guess we've been taught to fear the things we don't understand, so much that we don't even bother to look into them.
Darkness is the source of light.
I see you rolling your eyes, you probably think I'm wrong but one question; what happens when you light a candle in a very bright room, nothing uh? you barely notice that a candle is lit. Now compare that to when you light a candle in the dark. It shines doesn't it? Well that is only possible because of darkness. Mind blowing right? I know! We all seem to forget that one can not exist without the other, no yin without the yang and no yang without the yin. Like @irejames said "we seem to forget that we are both maleficent and beneficent creatures", it simply means that good and evil resides in us whether we like it or not, now the challenge is the balance, there has to be a balance between the good and the evil.
You're probably wondering what the point of everything I've been saying is, so let me get straight to it.
We have been forced to ignore the dark, maybe even fear it. I remember the first time my mum read one of my writings, she was almost certain I had joined a cult or something. She gave me an all day long lecture just because I wrote a scary story, it was actually quite hilarious. You can't blame me though, I'm attracted to the dark, the mystery, the uncertainty. A lot of beautiful things happen in the dark(winks), stars come out in the dark, the moon only comes out in the dark, a lot of interesting paranormal activities happen in the dark. Tell me that's not enough to make you want to explore the dark.
All I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't ignore or judge the people that are brave enough to look into the dark. Trust me, it takes courage. It's high time you started appreciating us, we embrace the side that so many people wouldn't even dare to explore. We might not be the heroes but we make the heroes who they are. I know I'm starting to sound like a misguided villain but we all know there would be no Batman without Joker, no Superman without Lex Luther, no angels without demons, the list goes on and on. So you guys should stop being so scared of the dark and embrace a balanced life, like the yin-yang, where two seemingly opposite things actually compliment each other (black and white, fire and water).
And remember, the light needs darkness to shine.
I know i was supposed to talk about darkness and light but, what did you expect from a guy named @darkmayhem
I agree. Darkness has its good sides too! Beautifully written and very philosophical @darkmayhem. You captured and held my attention to the end.