I'm Done

in #writing8 years ago

Now I know you're probably wondering just what it is that I'm "done" with.

I recently decided to take a little time away from graduate school just in part to regroup and sometimes you need to take some away from all of the bullshit.

When you go to a liberal arts university (especially as a conservative), you can expect to receive full on Marxist indoctrination. And I have a few friends who would likely call themselves feminists and even social justice warriors and I can't help but think how many times they have called me a racist in secret. Or how many times they have smiled through their teeth at me, acting as if I don't see it.

Feminism's "Problematic" Ideas

  • "The Patriarchy"

The idea that society is run by men and for men is absolutely ridiculous. If this existed, there would no female CEOs, no female politicians, etc. etc. In a sense, feminism has become its own religion and every religion needs a devil, a boogeyman of sorts. Enter The Patriarchy.

  • The Duluth Model

The Duluth Model comes under scrutiny because it essentially states that only a man can be an abuser because "Patriarchy". If you don't see the problem with that, I can't help you. But this is one of my chief issues with "academic feminism". Because no one in the field wants to do shit about this, but why would they?

  • The Wage Gap
    It is often asserted that women just don't earn as much as men. While THAT is true, it is dishonest to refer to it as a "wage gap". There is a difference between annual earnings and hourly pay. Automaker Audi came under scrutiny for their recent Super Bowl ad, which brought this "gap" to light. A user tweeted them, seemingly calling them out but Audi responded, "When we account for all of the factors that go into pay, women are on par with their male counterparts." Congratulations Audi...you have just debunked the Wage Gap.
  • The Pink Tax

I've written about this before, but in the interest of brevity, the so called "Pink Tax" is the price that is paid to cover manufacture costs of different products. You want more blades on your razors? You want the fruity smell good shampoo? Guess what, that costs more to make.

  • Rape Culture

I've written about this before, so if you want to read it, go here. Suffice it to say, this is an idea that essentially states that only men can be rapists and only women can be victims. Sure the Marshall University Women's Center page on Rape Culture has a little blurb that (poorly) attempts to damage control their position, but every other part of this page paints men as predatory by default. Feminists and SJWs are so vapid about the "rape culture" that supposedly exists in the West, but turn a blind eye to the very real rape cultures that are in the Middle East where you have countries that in order to convict someone of rape, the victim needs the eyewitness testimony of four MALE witnesses.

  • Toxic Masculinity

Purely in name, this is a misandrist idea. And don't try to say it isn't. If it weren't, it would not need gendering.

Gender Disparities That Feminists Don't Care About

  • Men are more likely to die at work.
  • Men have a higher suicide rate.
  • Men are more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.
  • Men are more likely to become homeless.
  • Men will more likely lose custody disputes of their children.
  • Men are almost always seen as predators or child molesters.
  • Men undergo circumcision (genital mutilation) at birth (can't consent)
  • If a man calls 911 being abused by his wife/girlfriend, he will be arrested despite being the victim.
  • As of now, a man can be conscripted to fight for his country.
  • A woman can opt out of parenthood. If a man decides he doesn't want to raise a kid and the mother does....too bad sucka! The father is still responsible.
  • Men's shelters are actively shut down by feminists.

But morally bankrupt individuals like Steve Shives and Dr. Kristi Winters will chalk this up to you just being an MRA and a misogynist and create a false equivalence as if to say that a girl you like not going out with you is in anyway similar to men being treated unfairly by the criminal justice system or being more likely to commit suicide.

Social Justice Warrior-related ideology

  • Racism only goes one way

This is one that bothers me for multiple reasons. 1) The "Prejudice + Power" being the only definition of racism is horseshit. The idea that all white people are racist because systemically they have more advantages. Let's put this in my perspective, as I can only speak for myself and not all of any one group of people. At the time of writing this, I am virtually unemployed (I have a part time job that I am lucky to work 10 hours at). So let me ask you: what systemic power do I wield? The answer is none. And what systemic power might Joe Schmo the gas station clerk wield? Again, that is none. But to get to 2). Being called a cracker does bother me...only because I understand its definition and the one that is being deployed when such a term is directed to me. There are two definitions: First, a native of Florida or Georgia. In this respect, Jimmy Carter would indeed call himself a proud cracker. However there is another definition. The definition that is most closely associated to the word is a derivative from a whip cracker. Now I am not a native of Florida or Georgia, so I reserve the right to be salty when being called a cracker.

  • Fighting "racism" with...actual....racism

What is particularly off-putting to me is how black people who don't agree with these ideologies are referred to as "coons", "house niggers", and "Uncle Toms". This has happened to Steve Harvey, Kanye West, Tim Scott, and more recently Joy Villa. A case I will talk about is that of Tim Scott. He is a Republican congressman from South Carolina. He read a series of tweets wherein he is called a house nigger as well as being a disgrace to the black race.

Identity Politics related apologia

What do I mean by this? Essentially, "bad shit is cool when we do it". For eight years, President Obama's administration dropped bombs in the Middle East. And yet the feminists and SJWs were deathly silent, but have now suspiciously come out of hibernation. It seems messed up to me that someone who is a Democrat and is biracial...and a Nobel Peace Prize winner doesn't get called out for such warmongering. Or look to the Women's March. A Japanese woman (pictured below) conspicuously won't name who it was, but anyone with the most basic understanding of history would tell you that it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was also a Democrat. Weird that they don't call out shit like that, right?

The 2016 Presidential Election brought out the worst in many people, including myself. Certainly, I will admit that I was no saint during this proceeding either. In the general discourse though as well as in the aftermath, we collectively found ourselves defining ourselves by what we believe politically or by who we voted for. I know people who voted for Trump who have been unfairly included with legitimate racists who might have voted for Trump. The people I know aren't racists, they're not sexists, they aren't xenophobic. They are just people that are concerned about terrorism, taxes, and even healthcare. Just as I know that there are people who voted for Hillary Clinton that had their concerns about healthcare, etc. What has happened as a result was both sides being demonized by the other. And yet, as the Left would have it, you're a racist, sexist, xenophobe if you didn't vote blue. "Vote Blue because I'm Fucking Better Than You" (Ana Kasparian) should have been the slogan of the mainstream media and Hollywood elites, but assholes in Hollywood and Washington honestly have their heads too far up their asses if they can't understand why Trump won. Trump won because Democrats and the elites just shit on the middle class. But this isn't why politicians are assholes. Politicians (of the left and the right) are assholes because they never have to take responsibility for their own problems.

Honestly, I'm done. I'm done being demonized for the immutable characteristics that I have. I feel no guilt for being born a white man. And I never will. I will not give myself to the ways of self-flagellation that would be met with the approval of my "peers".


nice post. followed.

personally, I see no harm in "demonizing" the extreme Left; to me that's just accurately describing them.

there are leftists who can debate civilly (I found more here on Steemit than anywhere else), but I think the mindset pushes folks towrads groupthink

I'm the same on the far left but only because I know I get the same treatment from the far left.

Oh also, I hope you are not done with your university. There are useful degrees to be getting make sure you get (or transfer into) one of those.

If you are a Kristi Winters fan you should check out Bearings channel on YouTube, that is if you need cheering up.

I'm not done completely. Just taking this semester to regroup as it were.

And I follow all of them: Bearing, Sargon, Skeptic, Shoe, Lauren Southern, Warksi, TL;DR, and the like.

Stop whining cracker

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4% of CEO's in America are women. Women get paid less to do the same job in nearly every country across the world. I'd hardly say we've taken over.

Women seldom go into business fields.

And in regards to pay, it has been illegal to pay women less since 1964. I know a law will not prevent someone from doing anything , but if you can prove that your employer is paying for no reason other than you're a woman, then they can be reported. The "wage gap" doesn't account for life choices, experience, tenure, and the like.

How many women go into business and want to be a CEO vs. how many men go into business and want to be a CEO? It is ridiculous to expect that there will be parity in everything between men and women or that it will always even be close. They have different goals and want different things (at least on average). That isn't to say sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination and bigotry don't exist. Of course they do though I don't believe MOST people are inherently sexist or racist (at least not to the degree that they would, for example, turn down a woman for a job because she is a woman instead of looking for the most qualified candidate regardless of sex). That just isn't what is responsible for how many women CEOs there are.