Disclaimer: This is an article that I wrote for The Odyssey, found here. I own all of the rights to this article.
There is a battle that is currently being fought on college campuses and seems to be met with little to no resistance.
Join me for a brief little journey into a few different situations that have made me realize that universities are going absolutely crazy.
But what do I mean when I say universities are going absolutely crazy? It's actually really simple. Take a look around. There are a lot of occurrences where students and even administrations have lost their minds in regards to various happenings
1. Yale
Amid controversy of Halloween costumes on the campus, a faculty member by the name of Erika Christakis made some remarks to the effect of students should be able to wear whatever they want. This sounds like a pretty reasonable sentiment, right? Well the special snowflakes at Yale didn't think so. They arranged a protest in response to this email by Christakis. Nicholas Christakis, who is also a professor and the husband of Erika Christakis, took to the campus to address some of these protesters. If you can get past the fact that these people are actually protesting an email, let's get to some of the things that were said during this...proceeding. An unidentified protester said a couple of things that are really troubling to me.
1. "It's not about creating an intellectual space. IT IS NOT!"
Actually it is. Creating an intellectual space should be the number one priority of colleges and universities. Hopefully, you are there to put in work to get an education to have a degree along with invaluable experience to where you can get a good job and make something of your life. If you don't want an intellectual space where you don't have your ideas challenged, then pack up and go home. Administrators should not be holding your hand the whole way.
2. "It is about creating a home."
No it is not. As I said above, colleges should be about being an intellectual space. That should be priority number one. As long as your are there and you have a place to get food, to sleep, and to basically have even the slightest of comforts, you should be fine.
What do you REALLY have to complain about? This is at YALE!
Sadly, Yale is just a small part of the problem and the infiltration of social justice warriors isn't an isolated incident. If you have made it this far, let's go a little further down the rabbit hole.
2. Mizzou
Graduate student Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike to protest the handling of an alleged racist incident on campus. The demand was simple: Tim Wolfe (a white man) had to resign from his job. A short while into this the Mizzou football team announced that they would not play until Jonathan Butler ate again. Now among all of this, there was something troubling. More protests sprang up on campus because of what people felt was poor handling over "racist incidents", three of which there were no evidence for.
In addition to students, a Journalism professor by the name of Melissa Click joined the students in creating a "safe speace" from the media. Sorry, but you don't get to block someone else's rights (of the press) because they disagree with you. Melissa Click also called for physical violence upon a STUDENT JOURNALIST. Thankfully, she has lost her position as a professor. I have no sympathy for Mizzou in that their enrollment is down and their donations have taken a hit.
(Note: Jonathan Butler and his family are worth $25,000,000. There's no oppression in his life.)
3. DePaul
If you ever doubted that conservative views were not welcome on college campuses, look no further than DePaul University. There are actually two wonderful examples of how liberal universities do not welcome conservative views. First is the case of Milo Yiannopoulos. Not only did a preacher hijack Milo's platform, but he was also intimidated and threatened with physical violence. In addition to this, security for the event was essentially told not to protect Milo or deescalate any situations.
The second is Ben Shapiro, who did not even get the chance to speak at DePaul. I just wonder what liberals are so afraid of in letting a conservative speaker talk. There was clearly a group of people who wanted to hear these men talk, as their fee had been paid. But if their (liberals') views are the right ones, what are they so afraid of?
4. University of Massachusetts Amherst
The College Republicans at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invited Milo Yiannopoulos , Steven Crowder, and Christina Hoff Summers to speak at their campus. On multiple occasions, they were rudely interrupted by a liberal student who was there and had NO interest in hearing what they had to say. Long story short:
The internet took to calling this woman "Trigglypuff". Now for anyone who might not know she was shouting "Keep your hate speech off this campus!" over and over. You can see the video here it's pretty great. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the lunacy sweeping college campuses.
An aspect of social justice that is highly concerning to me is that people are being treated like children with these safe spaces. Along with this, university students and even children are being taught that if you are a white man, YOU are what's wrong with the world (let's be real that's what "white male privilege" is code speak for). Imagine how damaging that could be to a child. A 5 year old should not be walking through the world mentally flagellating themselves. Even worse, school administrators and teachers should not be encouraging it.
Now I am a white, straight, cisgendered male, but SJWs like to call me "Hitler". Yes I am white. Yes I am straight. I am not going to apologize or feel any sort of guilt for any of those. I have no problem with LGBT people. I know trans people and I have always referred to them by their preferred pronouns, but there is a limit. I will use male or female pronouns and expecting someone to know xe and xer pronouns and other stupid shit like that is just unreasonable. To quote transgender YouTuber Blaire White, "The only Zim I know is Invader Zim." And on that note, I will not begin every conversation by asking what pronouns they prefer. I refuse to accept that there is something inherently wrong with straight, white, cisgendered men simply on that basis.
The most concerning thing to me is that the social justice warriors being indoctrinated in these institutions are next educators, the next politicians. It is concerning to me that this generation will bring up the next in terms of laying on dogmatic propaganda. It is my hope that as this becomes more establishment that the anti-establishment crowd, the libertarian leaning will take on this authoritarian approach.
Milo Yiannopoulos is often criticized for having said "Feminism is cancer". I would offer my own phrase. Feel free to use it if you would like:
"Collectivism is cancer."
A high up problem about the social justice movement is that their ideas revolve around looking at people collectives. "All white people are racist", "All men are misogynistic", etc etc. If any progress is to be made, people have to be looked at and treated as individuals.
The problem is deeper. Its start earlier in schooling.
In fact, it is schooling.
Govern-cement schools are not about teaching, they are about schooling. Getting all of the little fishies to swim in the same direction from the same stimulus.
The primary agenda of schools is to propagandise the children.
They are taught opinions as facts. And then they have these "facts" tied to their view of themselves. They are a good person if they believe these "facts".
So, when a student gets to college, they are a child. They have never been encouraged to grow up, in fact their growth has been retarded.
On top of that, college today is only to waste 4 years of a kids life to postpone their entry into the job market.
When you are brought up in that, the TRUTH is the enemy. Since you have not been taught how to think, only what to think, and that is tied into your self image, any attack on those "facts" by exposure to the TRUTH is like sunlight to a vampire.
Right on!
Cultural marxism is cancer :) great article. If only more people who stop virtue signaling what they think are good causes because there is something off with all of this;
"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes." - Thomas Paine
I'm a woman, straight, non-trans (honestly the fact they make words like "cis" and "heteronormative" tells more about their hatred) and I've seen this stuff start 15 years ago on social media, but I know it began way earlier in that.
Women, gender, social justice studies have been going on for decades.
The Frankfurt school is what infiltrated and hijacked the western education system. This is where all the SJW, marxism, socialism, communism, gender/identity politics comes from. Also from the regressives, who exploit minorities to further their social reform agendas.
They have exploited blacks, hispanics/latinos, gays too the limit.
Notice the timing - as soon as gays got the right to marry did only then the "trans-mania" blow up and engulf the mainstream media and news.
If it wasn't for people like Milo Yiannpoloulos and trans Blaire White, I would be confused and in a state of panic, as the users of the website Tumblr that where the SJWs all hang out with "transtrenders" who are not trans, they are the ones creating the pseudoscience behind the so-called "76000+ genders and sexualities".....there are people identifying as cats and dogs, as in seriously, and one guy with a family in his last years is now identifying as a 6 year old girl. He left his family and got adopted by a couple - who engage in BSDM with him, so I can't buy into this gender fluid stuff, it has no logic or science backing it.
A quick visit to tumblr will show you that the collective transtrenders, feminists and SJWs are extremely anti-white, anti-cis, anti-heterosexuals and what they term "heteronormative and cisnormative" (like is that supposed to make them a bad thing??) and their main goals in their mission statement is to destroy gender roles and stereotypes (again why are they a bad thing? the majority has no problem with these things) and they want to eliminate heterosexuality - yes they admit to that and to break up the traditional family unit. Well they've pretty much done that to the latter. Smells like an agenda? Correct. As I mentioned there is no science supporting this.
These people don't want to have a discussion. They think the idea of a discussion is "hatespeech". They expect to play victim and demand what they want be handed to them like an entitled selfish tantrum toddler crybully.
Now, after looking at Narcissism being dominant in our culture, and pretentious hive-mind sheeple, it doesn't look like we will get a fact supported answer. Just sketchy claims, demands, tantrums, pseudoscience and double standards.
Not long ago I came upon this article by a former trans; Walt Heyer
Personally, with how Justin Trudeau and his administration and Obama's administration which has 250 members who are LGBT, so there is something that feels like "social engineering" is happening.
My schools in my country are now teaching "gender theory" to 5 year olds. 5 year olds. Who haven't experienced life much, who's brains are still developing, who are vulnerable and absorb everything like a sponge.
If they claim that there gender fluid theory is correct and we're wrong, why so much propaganda and indoctrination? because that is what it is.
Several gays I brought this question to agreed that it is child abuse and brainwashing at such a young age. They said they need to experience puberty and find out if there is something "that feels different" and then they can make a mature and informed decision, but being exposed at a young age to this is what one of them referred to as "child grooming". http://thefederalist.com/2016/02/16/have-we-finally-reached-peak-transgender/
Like you and many others have said who are not buying into this onslaught, this is going to far. Targeting young children is crossing a line. It shouldn't even be a question, Hitler even knew that controlling the minds of the youth controls the future. There sure is an agenda and it smells like "social engineering" and forced cultural marxism.
Right on! And I really want to say thank you for taking the time to comment on this ,
Universities are some of the most overrated institutions our time. I don't even see a reason for them anymore, honestly. Information is widely available, but universities are still seen as the only way to acquire high level information - and they've become polluted with this social justice stuff, which makes them even more worthless.
As someone right in the middle of it, I can wholeheartedly agree. I took a film class and we had to discuss "scholarly articles" about SJW-crap. It was pretty ridiculous.