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RE: [Short Story] - Dream Catcher

in #writing7 years ago

Hahah :D imI really hope you'll like it! :D
Though I need to inform you now that the publication got postponed :( the friend in charge of the cover and inside imagery had something pop up at the last miment and cant do it til October. He's absent until the second, so... :|
I'll publish it first thing when I get the images, though, that much I can promise.. just cant promise when that is - it is out of my hands :|


Oopss!! Will have to wait a bit longer then...

Yeah. Appears so.. sorry for the inconvenience. Does mean I get me some more writing time, though ;p

No problem!! Heheheh! Use up those time, then! You might not always get them.....

Yeah, I'll work on the stuff I've been neglecting a lil' too long now, I guess. :p Or try and pimp the text further still haha