You are quite the genius aren't ya?
That's really impressive. I loveee art, I used to fancy myself as one, until reality slapped me into check (thankfully).
Yup, I was that bad.
I'm just glad it rubbed off on my brother (he started drawing since he was three) and I'm almost crawling, trying to coerce him to study fine arts, instead of the medicine my Mom is so sure he is destined to study 😁
But if there is something I would love to spend the rest of my life doing, it would be writing and teaching
Do it already then😉
for the records, your works do that to me as well.
turning crimson red You flatter me.
I can't wait to celebrate your success in the global literary space.
Amen to that!
"You are quite the genius aren't ya?" I wish!
Art kinda runs in the family; my mum, my 4 siblings and myself. Only one of us got to really study it and get a degree.
"...instead of the medicine my Mom is so sure he is destined to study 😁"...what shall we say to theses things? My kid brother read pharmacy and he was a far better artist compared to me.
"Do it already then😉"...I'll try.
"turning crimson red You flatter me" No flattery intended. I only said the truth.