50 years ago, society was much different. The ways in which we interacted were based on a shared commonality between what was acceptable and not acceptable behavior. We shared societal norms through sharing the identity as Americans. We identified as Americans first before addressing our geographical roots when asked, "where are you from"?
The pursuit of individual freedoms has gradually declined the uniformed order of what was a very capable system, and we call this advancement. Look around. How many Americans do you know that when asked "where are you from", would reply with "America" first? If you are one of the lucky ones that has not lost their cultural roots, then you would most likely reply with those cultural roots and follow it up with "-American". Instead of American we become; Irish-American, Spanish-American, African-American, Mexican-American, Chinese-American etc...
It is this very subtle notion of identifying with a sub-group that adds to the disorder the societal structure is experiencing currently. When we divide, we lose our power as the majority. At every angle, there are forces at play that work to gain your allegiance and alliance. Political movements are a gateway to aligning with what would be less likely a position or stance that aligns with your core personal values, but we unwittingly align with what goes against what we personally view as right and wrong in order to appreciate the power that comes with aligning with a larger group. Ask yourself, does my party align with all of my core values?
Identity is powerful. When we identify, we react to our environment as an ambassador for that held identity. It dictates our reactions and exerts control over the rational thought processes we would normally use. We are living in a time where identity is driving any and all actions and people are identifying at an ever-increasing rate whereas they identify with more and more sub-sections within the once organized societal structure. The societal structure is experiencing entropy leading to disorganization.
Humanity needs order to allow for stability to facilitate advancement. The once ordered structure we call society, is breaking down and will either morph into something different, or will cease to function as designed. We have lost our way, but have hope that if each of us were able to identify as human first, we could rise above any of the effects of the increased disorder the lower-levels of identification are experiencing.
Identifying as a human will destroy all prejudices and stereotypes and is the only way forward for humankind to advance to the next level along this journey we call life...