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RE: Milo Yiannopolous & the Death of Political Correctness

in #writing8 years ago

You're absolutely correct, the pendulum has swung. I had never heard of this guy until this post and after watching a few of his videos I have to say i'm impressed with his sincerity. He genuinely enjoys the tough questions, although I'm sure he's usually preaching to the converted.

Personally, I'm completely apolitical but I always tend to fight for the underdog. I believe that society should seek balance.

Brexit and the election of the Trumpster are an endless source of amusement for me. I think the democratic party really screwed themselves choosing Hilllary over Bernie and the American people collectively said FU when they voted in the Trumpster.

I'm from South Africa, so I'm not really affected by this in any way, I'm only learning about American politics because I watch the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, because he's also from SA. I know it's HEAVILY left wing, but as I said, it's for the comedy, not the news.


I'm glad you've finally been made aware of Queen Milo ;)

I believe that society should seek balance.

I completely agree! The radical Left seems to be reacting in a careless, hypocritical manner with the media turning a blind eye towards their violent behavior. As an American living outside of all this chaos, I completely empathize with your stance in viewing it from a distance for the entertainment value hahaha this country has become an absolute $H!TSHOW!!!