Crony capitalism - the death of family - mass migration Soros style!

in #writing7 years ago


Undocumented Europe!

I had the unfortunate experience of watching a George Soros video regarding Europe "having" to accept millions of illegal migrants every year if it is to survive. He is the main funder via NGO's with regards to bringing these people into the EU. Guide books were found in Greek migrant camps on how to get to Germany, he is also accused of handing out mobile phones to these people in countries such as Libya, to aid their passage, via these NGO's. (tax free none governmental agencies)

He is correct in a roundabout way, though not for the reasons he states, yes if Europe is to survive on ever increasing consumerism it will need ever more cheap labour for corporations to forever make more profit; full time contracts for native peoples of the EU are a thing of the past in most countries now, with zero hour contracts becoming "the norm" and the new influx of "to be" low paid workers is then required.

Something else Soros failed to mention was that the crony capitalist system had more or less destroyed most of Europe by making it so both parents "have" to work to survive, giving women little chance to stay home and raise children, allow me to expand on this with some figures from around the EU, I am not going to do all countries, though you will get the picture all the same.

Lets start with Italy.

ROME ( - Italy is forecasting a demographic plunge as the country grapples with an ageing population.
The Italian Statistics Bureau (ISTAT) reported May 3 that Italy's population is estimated to shrink 10 percent from 60.6 million in 2017 to 54.1 million in 2065. The decrease would be 6.5 million residents in almost 50 years.
This comes as life expectancy is expected to increase by five years for both men and women, reaching 86.1 years for males and 90.2 years for females (80.6 and 85 years in 2016). source

After I edited in the above, I thought it may be easier to do this another way, so here it is. If we say that we have 2 parents per household, and to maintain the population they would need to have 2 children to replace themselves yes? With this in mind, I instead charted members per household, with 3 being the "ideal" figure and above 4 even better.
So this is it below.

Figures taken from the 2016 EU survey statistics on population guide.

The largest average household size was recorded in Croatia (2.8 members).
Germany and Denmark (both 2.0 members).
Lithuania 2.1.

So that system was not looking good was it, the average across the EU was 2 people per household, so I went in search of figures regarding the amount of children per married couple, to further note the declines.

Whilst doing this I inadvertently stumbled over figures for other countries like Australian and New Zealanders, at 1.38 children per couple which also is a decline in population when you take into account people of same sex marriage or partnerships that do not want to have children or can not have them. Japan was quite shocking with figures of 1.4 children per couple.

It's finally happened. After years, if not decades, of warnings about Japan's ageing population and its low birth rate, the day is here. Japan's official census shows that the country's population has shrunk.
And not by an inconsiderable amount either: The 2010 census showed a population of 128,057,352, but the 2015 figure, released Friday, shows just 127,110,000.
Japan's population had shrunk by almost 1 million people in five years.
While data on birth and death rates has long given clear evidence that Japan's population was on the decline, this is the first time since records began that the census has confirmed the nation's population has actually dropped (the blip between 1940 and 1950 in the chart is largely due to the fact that many Japanese soldiers were stationed abroad and Okinawa island, then controlled by the United States, was not included in the census).
The following chart, which shows the population change between each census since 1950, gives a sense of just how dramatic an effect Japan's dwindling demographics are having:

So does this come as a surprise to anyone? Nope, not at all. Almost a decade ago, The Washington Post's Fred Hiatt warned that Japan had "embarked on a path no developed nation has ever followed -- of sustained and inexorable population decline."
Japan's birth rate has long been significantly below the 2.1 per woman that is needed to sustain growth — it currently stands at about 1.4 per woman



Now here was me being misled by the media that we are over populated?

The truth is that the EU and corporations require this influx to maintain GDP and production output/cheap labour respectively.
If we take a look at the birth rates where these people are coming from, you will see a massive disproportionate rate of birth towards the 4+ per woman even though they do not have the western wealth or standard of living to maintain such large families.

Child per woman
Afghanistan 4.6
Syrian Arab Republic 2.9
Iraq 4.4
Senegal 4.8
Somalia 6.3

As I said above, we are led to believe the world is in imminent danger of over population, well that was a headline a lot in the UK at least for decades. The source of the above information above says a different story though. You can see a sharp decline in red from every single country in the world bar none.

Deliberators verdict = A lot of people talk about the genocide of indigenous European people by some conspiracy theory, I conclude it is the death of European indigenous peoples via crony capitalism.

As always have a splendidly fantastic week one n all - you perspicacious people you.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates




Images courtesy of pixabay.


Very nice. It is disturbing to see Soros Open Society Foundation moving to Berlin and the people here in Germany are happy. Of course he has to be a good guy, because he is a jew.

Oh and wait until he/they do not like your politics, then watch them move swiftly into action to incite riots and hatred like they do in "every other" country.

You are right. "Duck and cover"

Nice post brotha! As you may recall we became aware of each after my post about the shrinking birth rates and mass illegals coming into Canada. It's truly sick what they are doing to us. Not only is overpopulation a myth, but their population growth projections of 9 billion by 2030 😉, are complete bullshit.

Japan is an interesting one (I covered their shrinking population in a post as well), they are not artificially inflating their population growth with mass migration so we get to see a more honest look at the effects of a declining birth rate on a nation.

I'm resteeming this, not enough people talk about this crisis (on steemit)

Indeed we did my friend, and yes it deserves to be talked about more than it currently is - hence me writing this, thanks for the superb comment and compliment plus the resteem.

It seems to me that with robotics coming online that the need for mass immigration to fill jobs is not valid. Yes?

Hi. Good article. I've also been sounding the drum on this subject, but on Gab I had a reaction from some women that because I am a man, I do not think of the dangers of being a woman and giving birth. The only answer I felt they deserved was, "A pity your mother did not feel that way". Of course I did not say so, but sometimes I wish I could.

I am here (a little bit) under false pretences. Here is my story.

I got a mesage that I was mentioned, so I clicked on it to see on what subject.

I do not know if you saw my post about the indoctrination of little children at school and about a new site that helps parents fight it, by using the law.

This was the post:

Then, I read why I was mentioned and I saw red.

If you can spare the time, please check the post and the comments exchanged - as I also feel it is a good example of how sick these people are.

I would have loved to have a dozen good debaters inundate 'it' with their analysis of all it claims and the way it reacts to criticism - even if the criticism is only imagined by them (we used to lock up paranoids and try to heal them, but now we are meant to reward and pamper them. Well, I refuse.