I was poking around here on Steemit, looking for some new people to follow. I tend to be rather picky about that... I only follow people whose content I am actually interested in reading. Hence, I only follow about one-quarter as many people as follow me. Sorry about that folks-- I don't do "automatic followbacks."
Yes, I actually read articles. Quite a concept, no?
Great Stuff... But Does Anybody READ It?
As I came across a number of pretty good writers, it occurred to me how much good writing is out there on the Internet... and how little of it actually gets read. I'm not just talking here on Steemit, I'm talking about on the web, in general.
California poppy in close-up
I'm not sure what it says about humanity that we're more likely to look at "trashy soundbytes" than read actual articles we might learn something from, or genuinely be entertained by.
Reminded me of something one of my creative writing professors back when I was in college told the class: Less than 2% of what's published in the book industry is actually anywhere even close to "literature" quality; the vast majority of what's published is basically "popular pulp."
Of course, here we're just sharing bits and pieces from our lives, but even so. Here-- as opposed to most places online-- there's also the additional wrinkle of people earning a reward. I guess that can matter, because many will create for the purpose of "getting the reward," more than because they actually care about what they are creating.
Still, it makes me sad when someone creates something really excellent... and I can tell from about half a dozen comments that whoever left them didn't even bother to read the article!
In Pursuit of Highlighting "the Good Stuff"
I suppose it's really an age-old dilemma... in writing, and in many other forms of creative expression. "Quality" and popularity are not necessarily the same thing. In fact, often they are quite different.
Buddha in the garden...
One of the other writing lessons I learned while in college was that I should expect to spend much of my life "writing to a 9th grade level."
Much as that reality pains me, at times, we must not forget one of the core components of effective communication: It's more important that the intended recipients "get it" and "understand it" than whether you are creating elegant prose. Now if you can actually succeed at BOTH? That's brilliant.
So what's my point here?
There are many approaches to creating content... and each may be quite valid, in its own context. I happen to like "good stuff," and that's what I am choosing to highlight and reward, as I do my rounds on Steemit-- and elsewhere. Not saying anyone else should do it "my way," just that my way is "valid."
What about YOU? Do you seek out genuinely good writing on the web, and on Steemit? Or do you just look at "entertainment?" Or do you care either way? Some people, after all "only look at the pictures." Do you have any kind of thought and method to how you give out your upvotes and comments? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and feedback-- be part of the conversation!
(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170828 17:13 PDT
Many of us feel the same for a long time man, so this is well said by you. I am drained out a bit but I gave it an UV here with some weight to it, with what I have left in the tank.
I actually have been seeking out good content / authors, for MONTHS who IMHO undervalued, or are new --- and send the links of the posts directly to some whales so as to help them out quietly.
I'm not stalking you I swear I visit here daily!
@denmarkguy's stuff is good, I always say it is undervalued, I wish more people read his blog.
He's always done great stuff here.
Indeed, I often leave feeling guilty of leaving him long comments.
I think he appreciates them, he is a very well spoken guy on here as you can tell.
Seriously, you guys... I appreciate the interaction! For me, a "successful" post is often one that creates a lot of dialogue!
I probably screw myself (on the rewards end) because I'm not perpetually in Facebook groups and on Discord and Steemit chat selling myself... but I just don't have the time. This isn't my job, just a fin diversion.
Unless you got restricted access to some fine spots. Those places more times than not are not worth it.
Take the very public link sharing channel in Steemit.chat. Last time I drop a link in there I got 3 people spamming me to the point I found the mute/ignore/block button. They wanted to do a vote 4 vote. I said no. THEY GOT PISSSED! After a while of me closing the chat box on them and them swearing up a storm I finally found the button!
There is one spot on Steemit that I do share. @barrydutton would not know anything about the blog post for link dropping….
I always ask myself “would I spend hours a day reading and upvoting stuff that gets posted in this blank chat room. No, so much trash it’s not worth it 99% time.
Perhaps if you hit up the curtails ones and already know them maybe. I’ve never had luck with them either so I stop trying.
Me neither, everyone is like Join us on Discord!!
... and I am like
Too many chat rooms and thingies, just way too much. You cannot be in everything.
good new content... and may take up a weekly feature I had on my old blog, many moons ago... highlighting 5 promising newcomers... not totally new; not looking for "one-hit wonders," but those who could become someone a few months down the road.Thanks @barrydutton, I'll toss a few back your way! Always appreciative of your encouraging words... I've been sincerely trying to find
I do have a brotherly love for you man.
And others too, like @clayboyn.
I can relate.
There are VERY few people that I follow. I'm always looking for me. My standards are high. Just like you said I only want the 'good stuff' in my newsfeed. Sturgeons law applies.(and then there are 'bots) ..and I'd pretty much discount anything you learned in college. Ivory tower insulation from the real world and like that.
I have pretty much dismissed everything I learned in college.
But hey, I have a fine piece of paper to tell me "I did that."
The UT Alumni association calls me every now and then... to ask for money.
Lessee... the UT endowment fund stands at about $40bn... and you're asking ME for money?
I follow an old and sacred military tradition.
I have an I love me wall
On it I have all of my certificates, diploma's, degrees, plaques and other merit badges..
Every now and then I actually look at them (when I'm dusting)
I don't even have to dust all my certificates and diplomas because they are filed away somewhere in a drawer. Makes life a lot simpler! And without frames, they take up much less room. At my age, I'm not even sure why I should keep them because they sure aren't going to impress any employer! Even if by chance I would need to look for a job, they would likely consider all that paper obsolete since I haven't used anything from it for so long. It's all just junk now.
I'm retired...I don't need to impress anyone.
I use them to jog my memory...
I look at my master's degree and think ....I was on crete then...good times..meet a lot of nice people and drank a lot of beer
Different degrees...diplomas, certificates of completion, awards and 'ata-boys'...bring back memories..
some good...some not so much..
Wow! That's great that your certificates bring you lots of memories. I guess that's the difference between yours and mine (and perhaps why yours are on the wall and mine are stashed away). For the most part, I don't have any fond memories that go with my certificates. They were all just part of the work I needed to do to get ahead. I'm kind of envious now, but happy for you. I guess I have other things that bring back fond memories, so all is good! We don't all have to find meaning in the same type of objects. I'm no longer envious; I'm happy again! LOL
So you got your master's degree on Crete? Does that mean you speak Greek? I've only visited a very few of the many islands of Greece and Crete was not one of them.
no...it's a degree in business management that I took while I was in the AirForce Stationed on Crete...it was an extenstion program from a US university. They sent professors. Crete is not exactly a hardship location..the professors could deal with that.
yup...I have memories on my wall.
"2 year safe driver"...and 3 and 4 and more..for three or four different companies.
Bachelors degree from the University of Nebraska (operation bootstrap)...i recall how the college students turned white and withdrew from the classes when they learned that there would be bootstrappers in them. Most us had seen war...some up close and personal..that adjusts your attitude. Our's was different than that of a typical college student. We moved the grading curve..
Associates Degree in Applied Science (digital equipment maint)..this was from the time that a computer system was the size of a small building...a rilly, rilly FAST modem was 2.4k...sigh..those were the days...the hardware was big enough to actually see.
Memories of TDY to several different training bases for specialized training...'high value soldering'..."Digital Subscribers Terminal Equipment', 'Teletype (yeah..I'm that old)...and other things that i'm not free to talk about...but I can remember.
oh yeah...my honorable discharge from military service.
I love me Wall looking at it brings back a LOT of memories..
With the exception of my top article, most of my highest-earning posts have had more upvotes than views. That tells you something about how users are interacting with this platform.
There is a small list of writers whose pages I make sure to check regularly. You're finding your way onto it, if that's any help!
Yes, the months have shifted in that direction sadly and many have noticed, -- good points by you.
olyup, it's a sad truth that it almost feels like a "victory" when my posts have more views than upvotes! I respect that I get about 10-15 bot votes from long-term contributors who simply don't have enough hours in the day to hand curate.... following hundreds of people is hard work.
I attempt to make my content... engaging in the sense that I would like to see an active comment section. If I end up with 50 comments and multiple dialogues... that's a "good" post, even if I didn't write "War & Peace."
I think this is common for everyone now. A lot of people upvote based solely on the title and first picture. It's unfortunate that more people aren't reading the content before choosing to upvote, but at least they're using their upvotes and not letting them go to waste.
I know what you mean - I just posted some massively high end content today but it also sunk without trace! :(
I guess satire is on a par with quality - invisible...
evidently not present.What can I say... paraphrasing @evirittdmickey a bit, Sturgeon's Law also applies to people and their intelligence. You assumed a level of intelligence that's.... well...
You might have made that one fly if "satire" had been the lead tag, and you'd said something like "if I'm making you all hot and bothered, click here to cool down!" with a link to the dictionary definition of satire.
At least we now know who some of the self-appointed anti-satire police are, now....
It never occurred to me that it wasn't obvious, but in a year on Steemit I've never encountered anyone like that - well not with $35 000 they have just put into their own wallet anyway!
He goes round saying things like"I'm half whale, and I will sort this out"
I'm not sure if I should be terrified or amused...
In a LOL society, kitten videos get more attention than quality writing. Hollywood, for example, pumps out more "reality" and retreads than new innovations because that's what sells. Getting absorbed in a good book has given way to instant gratification. Soapbox issue for me.
Soapbox issue for me, as well.
Which isn't to say that I have anything against kittens!
I like good entertainment as much as the next person... my primary issue is that I prefer to choose freely, rather than having things served up that are filtered through the lens of "will it sell?"
I still like books. Made of paper... with ink on the pages, even.
Yep, with ink on the pages.
Kittens are much cuter than soap boxes
So are little duckies! ;)
I believe that automatic voting through bots, voting-buying projects, and other things "ended up" with the selection of good posts here at Steemit. There is only recognition etc, the "whale friends" or if you are part of some closed group. We still have a lot to have a "fair game" in relation to the fair reward of authors for their content published here. Good post @denmarkguy
Thanks @jsantana... always nice to see you here! I think the task falls to those of us who do not use automation to find and vote for content to support each others as best we can. I already spend FAR too much time on Steemit... but it's an enjoyable diversion, so I plan to continue.
I personally try to seek out quality pieces. Though sometimes I do want to be entertained and when I find both I go back again and again to that author's page.
One of my favorite things about Steemit is that at least we get to "curate for quality." And some contributors here consistently make me want to check out their feeds.
I don't know how good I am with quality but it is original and I am working on making my blog better. But more than not I find someone because of a comment they have made on my own post or someone else post that I really like so I get curious and go check them out, and if I like what they are sharing I follow and check them out again.
I have been increasingly more discerning in my upvoting. I spend much time searching for quality content. Looks like I'm not alone! Good post.
Sometimes it feels like those of us who DO care... we take on the task of highlighting good content for others. You're definitely not alone!
That's all I do here @denmarkguy. At least that is what I do when I have time to read. Pretty much why I follow you - "good stuff" :D
Yeah, I hear you-- time is always an issue. There are quite a few days where all I have time for is just to curate the comments on my own posts.
It is interesting if that is the case. The issue may be marketing and sales on writers parts. Writing jobs are some of the most needed skill around the web with tons of projects available looking for writers.
What I look for is original content. Many posts are not by English speaking people but they still try to post in English. It is understandably bad but I can't dock them on that. On another note, I often feel distracted online so I rarely read long posts. Plus I am a slow reader. I find myself scanning for points. I like useful information but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like entertaining or beautiful pictures. I like a little context with my media, however, so I know what the connection is with the poster. I usually won't watch long videos either. Having said that, I appreciate good writing when I find it but I don't seek it out. Heck I'm on twitter and that has thought me to be super concise and to have bad grammar, lol!
I agree, there is a lot of good stuff out there that never gets read. I find I read more since I've been on Steemit than I did before. As a kid and into my twenties I was a prolific reader. The thicker the book the better. But I've fallen into the trap of easy content consumption. I'd rather watch a video than read now. Might be because reading forces me to focus, a video lets me multitask. Either way, reading is becoming a lost art.
Yes it is true.
People tend to write to their audience. Most prefer that audience to be as large and loaded with disposable income to buy their products as possible.
Sure you could write things that only 1% of people will actually understand and want to buy more. Otherwise, you can write thing that 90% can enjoy and shell out more money.
There are endless things out their written to such a degree only people in that field with the same experience will ever truly understand. Even sadder, some are the only ones in their field that can have a hint of understanding.
Nice thing about Steemit at least is those top people in understanding tend to be the ones with the bigger upvote. Look at your cat post for instance. Lot of upvotes but less in value then this post at the fraction of upvotes.
What can get a lot of views here will not always get the biggest financial reward.
So, that's creatives incentive to put out the high quality stuff. A lot of people just make the mistake of not putting in some time to gain a follow first before pouring in loads of time.
I look for writings that I actually enjoy and balance pictures with words. I find some writing long post that are more venting then telling. Your post are typically longer, but often times filled with creative language that captivates the reader.
As we discussed before, I follow your method of following people for their content and un-following for the lack there of. I find myself doing the same and visiting total strangers looking for new content.
I love comments in general. Writing and reading them. I don't care for the spam ones anymore because it give me the opportunity to talk to someone new.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope you don't allow our 9th grade level minds hold you back!
I spend way too many hours here on Steemit as it is, so I don't really go looking for content, it sort of comes to me. I click on the link for "replies" to see if anyone responded to anything I have posted, then I click on my "feed" to see what the people I'm following posted. Sometimes I'll see a headline that looks interesting from re-steems and I'll check into that. If I resonate with what I just read, they get added to my list. Other times I may read something that's a reply to an article I'm reading (yes, I usually read the entire article and its responses) and see someone has posted words of wisdom. Often I will check out their profile and if they don't flood their wall with multiple posts per day, I will add them to my list. And that's pretty much how I find my content.
I have only recently started following you, but I really enjoy your content and the care you put into the style of the post.
While it is hard to find quality content on Steemit, I'm not sure that it is from a lack of the content itself, but more so a lack of where to find it. I have found a great number of people who post interesting and well crafted pieces on here. I really enjoy interacting in the comments with everyone on such posts.
I definitely see a huge number of what my generation has coined shit-posting on here as well. I suppose it's the get rich quick attitude by pumping out post after post, comment after comment, just hoping steemitodes with heavy voting weight up-votes their 'contributions'.
Gotta pan through the dirt to find the gold ;)
Nice Pic//////
I (mostly) read everything I vote for, unless I am busy, but would like to show my support. I have to be entertained, which to me means only it must hold my attention. This can range from quality writing, amazing art and beautiful photography....and cute cat videos hahaha!