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RE: Stop Being Offended by EVERYTHING!

in #writing7 years ago

Mic drop...

Ah, the brave new world (not) we live in.

"So what do YOU do for a living?"

Oh, I get butthurt...

I didn't realize it was a profession. But apparently it IS. And sometimes you can even spot the people in the crowd; at a gathering; at a party... "scanning the horizon" for something to be offended by.

I kinda got off the mainstream when I realized that complimenting a woman had become de-facto sexual harrassment. Here in the US, everyone is very lawsuit happy.

Really hot woman walking down the street, wearing hooker heels and yoga pants with the word "JUICY" emblazoned across her ass... and gets offended when ANYone "dares" to look. WTF? You've got WORDS on your butt and I'm just "reading the signs" and THAT sign screams "I'm just itching to pick a fight, and I'm making ALL MEN collectively accountable for the fact that my Uncle Bob was a pedophile."

Sorry about the side-rant...

So yeah, good rant.


Come on, let it all out. There you go..... feel better? :)

I despise women who act like that. It's beyond my comprehension how some people think a single glance is somehow disrespectful. Sure everyone would only want their hot future husband to look at them like that, but you can not criminalise people just for looking at something that walks by.