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RE: A little rant about making time where there is none

in #writing8 years ago

@shapeshifter43; I hear you, I feel you.

There is so much "stuff and nonsense" out there about making time and time management and what have you... but these moments generally lead me back to ONE place... examining whether or not I simply have too much on my plate. Period.

I remember reading one of those work-guru-wisdom newletters once, and a guess columnist made a very valid point: There is only one TRUE answer to the issue of feeling overworked and out of time... and it is not "time management;" it is quite simply doing less.

Of course, that always brings up a stream of arguments and rationalizations from people, usually starting with "But you can't just..."

"Can't just"... what? Maybe what we need more than anything is to take inventory of what we feel life "should" contain... and ask "is that realistic?"

Meanwhile, pardon me while I get back to planning the next great American Novel!

Loved the post!


Thank you so much for your validating comments. Yes, we often need to do less in order to accomplish more (how guru did that sound? haha). I have to get better at saying, you know what, tonight I'm ordering pizza. Tomorrow I'm not cleaning anything. This weekend, all I hope to finish is this book. When I'm relaxed and feel rejuvenated, then it doesn't feel like so tall a task to squeeze in one more to-do-list item. Really appreciate your comment--followed you!