in #writing7 years ago


A hearty good morning to you dear Steemians. Today is the last day of the month of January. I hope we made progress in our daily activities this month. Don't be discouraged if you didn't. You would surely get that chance to make your dream a reality. Keep pressing on and never give up because it's not an option.

In today's episode, we would discuss the topic 'Prayer'. Prayer is an essential tool in our lives if and only if we want to that closeness with God and also see our dreams come true.



Prayer works, trust me. Let me tell you a story about how prayer worked for me two days ago. I was to attend an interview which was scheduled for 10:00am. The venue was at British Council and I live at Tema. In order to make it on time, I had to leave the house as early as 7:00am. I got to the bus station at 7:30am and got a bus. I had to sit in the bus close to an hour before the bus moved because there were no passengers. I was getting frustrated because I knew there would be heavy traffic on the way. Then I remembered that I had to pray. I was doubtful because I knew I was going to be late given the circumstance but I still held onto that faith and prayed. My prayer was a very short one: Lord, have mercy and let your will be done.' Fast forward, I got to the venue at 9:54am amidst the heavy traffic I encountered on the way. I offered a prayer of gratitude to God because I knew He made it possible for me.



We should learn to pray in all circumstances. Not only when you are in trouble. Pray when you are the happiest person on earth, pray when you are going to cross that road, pray when you are sad, pray when you are going to buy an item across the street, pray when you're preparing to go for that meeting. Just pray, and remember to attach all the faith that comes with it because prayer works with faith.

Don't be disheartened if you are not seeing results of your prayer. God's timing is always right. Keep praying and wait for it. You would be amazed at the results.

Have a great day fellow Steemians and remember to say a word of prayer thanking God for the breath of life.

Let's make it here again tomorrow for the next episode.

Stay blessed


It's PERLE again of @derletwins #teamghana