Everyone including myself aspires to be successful in several endeavours. A young student with the hope of obtaining a distinction studies hard and is considered to be successful if he eventually emerges with distinction. Likewise, a hardworking entrepreneur is considered successful if his services or products takes over the market. The definition of success is perculiar to different individuals, in my view, Success is a measure of how well an individual has achieved a given goal. This goal could be short termed, long termed or even a life goal.
I believe that there are several factors that contributes to the attainment of success and it is important to know these factors in order to avoid going through similar challenges repeatedly instead of progressing. Achieving success is not magic, it involves both HARDWORK and SMARTWORK. This write-up will discuss three factors that are important to an individual in his pursuit of success. I would call the factor "The CIA factors", where C stands for communication, I for imagination and A for association.
To begin with, Communication simply refers to what you say or basically your confession. Successful people have trained themselves to speak possibilities, while the unsuccessful ones have decided to speak the impossibilities. One main function of the mouth is to say things you want to exist and not just to talk with people. Your confession is the driving force that enables you to make a move towards a goal. What ever a person says matters alot whether positive or negative. It is a strategy used by most warriors, boxers and fighters because it makes the contender them appear small and surmountable. When you hear a boxer brag about how he will humiliate and defeat his opponent, he is simply applying the principle of confession. This strategy could also be applied in your pursuit of success. Do not stop to say what you will achieve especially when the challenge you face seems to be indomitable. Continue saying what you will do, how you will do it, and how easily you will conquer it. You are on track!
The next is Imagination. I can liken this to the head lamp of an autocar on motion in the thick dark night. If the forelight becomes faulty, you become stuck and go no where. If you lack the power of imagination you cannot achieve success. Infact, you would lack insight into specific steps to achieve your goals. Your imaginative ability is the inward eyes that you activate in order to have a picture of the future. You cannot tell what your future will be like if you cannot imagine it and you cannot go where your inward eyes cannot see. If you can not imagine yourself as the CEO of a large organization, you will not be able to work towards it. For example, Thomas Edison imagined the possibility of an electric light bulb, he thus worked towards it and achieved it. It is therefore adviseable to engage in active imagination of where you want to be in the future. Do not just live in the now but also practise living in the future. And when you imagine, do not limit yourself in mind but free yourself to see any thing. Always engage in Imagine.
Finally, in your pursuit of success it is of utmost importance that you are careful about the kind of company you keep. The association you maintain is like the wings upon which you fly. The friends around you can influence how far you go. I observed this in my secondary school days. I noticed that the seemingly intelligent pupils had their group of friends while the low performing students had their own cliques. If you desire to be a governor you should make a move to join a party and mingle with fellow aspirants and ex-governors. By doing so, you give your self the opportunity to fast track your pursuit and even gain valuable lessons. Your association is key to your attaining success. I believe it is important to try to make friends with people higher than you and at thesame time, try to lend a helping hand to those lower than you. Try not to be alone. Always make reasonable friends because no man is an island.
To conclude, success is a continuous effort and is influenced by several things. I believe among these elements include positive words, positive dreams and positive acquaintance. If an individual ensures that these threee factors are in check, then his quest for success will be much more easier and certain. Thanks alot.
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