Stefan Zweig is known for its idyllic, tragic stories of love, essays and biographies. His language is literary, his texts are full of meanings. The interest in it, as a rule, evolving from "Letters to a stranger" to biographies. Today, picking up a collection of Zweig I stayed in his speech, written for the book fair in London "The meaning and beauty of the manuscripts."
It's about the handwriting of their beauty, depth, meaningful, character, mood, state, and emotions of the author. The fact that the handwritten texts contain a lot of intimate, personal space of the author.
And, of course, talking about the features of handwritten texts, Zweig is not wrong. He's right about his time. His words are still relevant today. And, of course, I agree with him that the text written by hand is very personal, even a little bit sacred. I think that's because not everyone wants to write on paper ... ... fountain pen.
"So in one piece of a few lines contain in themselves the greatest human happiness, in the other - the deepest grief, and to him who is able to read them, not only the eyes but also the heart, these inconspicuous signs will say nothing less than obvious beauty books and paintings. Manuscripts possess magical powers, the ability to cause a long time now extinct images of people; by these sheets are held both in the picture gallery, and each of them in their own touches and captures".
Actually I am in love with Zweig, so I wrote his suicide story at here : :)