A Fear Of Hard Times

in #writing7 years ago

Everyone has their own battle that they are going through in life. There might be times when we feel like we have the worst case scenario, but there is always someone out there who is struggling with even more.

Going through hard times can really cause a lot of stress and pain, so it's no wonder that many people fear hardships and difficult times. Hard times aren't pleasant. But it's not all bad, because our problems that we face can also help to build character and more.

The struggles that we go through can make us stronger, they can helps us to appreciate the good times, and they can also help to foster empathy and understanding for others.

When bad things happen, we can allow those struggles to destroy us and to fuel bitterness for many years to come, or we can allow it to fuel new strength in our lives.

In a way then, we have the option to look at the difficulty that we go through with a little appreciation, because it could be helping us to grow in a way that we can't imagine.

That difficulty that we are currently going through might be something good for us in the long run, perhaps it's something in the end that we will be thankful that we faced and went through.

Sometimes when we choose to make a sacrifice in our lives, or are forced to because of difficult times, we aren't immediately going to be able to look out the very next day and see a harvest. Most likely it's going to take some time in order to see good results from struggles that we go through, to see what (if any) lesson there might have been to learn, or what benefit could possibly have been reaped.

We don't have to like or enjoy the struggle that we might be going through but we can still choose to have a good attitude toward our life in the midst of our problems. And if anything, that should comfort us more than a negative attitude would when it comes to weathering the storm.

It's a decision that we make and not one that we just make one time and that's it, you have to make that same decision on purpose again and again, every day.

If we were just given everything that we ever wanted, would we have the same appreciation for it as if we had worked hard and waited patiently for that thing for many years before getting it? If every day is going to be a 'sunshine day' for us and we never face any problems, then how will we know that we are equipped to deal with any problems when they arise?

Hard times can help us learn about what we truly value. If we get hurt by others who use and abuse us for example, it gives us an idea of what a good relationship looks like when we find one, because we've already experienced what we don't want. Going through struggles allows us to get a sense of what's truly important to us.

Though our troubles might seem like the worst thing to go through at the time, it's likely that the problem and our circumstances won't last forever. We can choose not to fear hard times and perhaps start to view those occasions in a different way. Those struggles that we are going through could play a part in bettering our life in a way that we aren't even aware of yet, but will be thankful for later on.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

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Fear can paralyze the heart. It is more pleasant to wear a old worn out pair of shoes than to break in a new pair. Fear of the unknown. I believe it was US president Roosevelt who said what do you have to fear but fear itself. So true yet we choose to be enslaved in the chains of fear. That is not what our creator would want for us. To be fearless we must believe in ourselves. We must have a positive self esteem and feel good about us. We must overcome negativity and psychological baggage. We must be fearless....be able to dream it and do it and in that we will become self made independent and a true contributor to society.

Hard times happen. it is your attitude to those hard time that determine if they are truly hard. One must learn to let go and not be attached to things of this world. When you are at your low you have no where to go but up. Sacrifices teach us to to give and love selflessly. It is a spiritual thing. you learn to value that which will last past your life in this world.

I think each of us have crosses in life that bring us closer to God. I believe they are also there to prevent us from growing too attached to this world. There is an incompleteness in our lives in this world that can only be filled by God. and so we look forward to the next world but realize we need to grow and be fashioned by the master carpenter to be ready for the next. If we are not we will not enjoy heaven nor be appropriate for it as we would have impurities. . Our impurities need to be chiseled out to make something more beautiful and organic. Just as there are toxins in our food and bodies so too our hearts. So God creates hard times to grow us like rain on a flower until we blossom into our full potential. Hard times are a blessing to breathe new life into us and make us stand up taller and stronger than before.

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post. This subject needs our attention for understanding and you are leading in that effort.

Hard times are what shape us into unique individuals. Just remember your never alone in your hard times.

Looking back, my life could read like a soap opera. I try to remember to never be a prisoner of the past because it was just a lesson not a life sentence. Thanks for a thought provoking post. Upvoted and resteemed.

Beautifully written. I believe that struggles are what make a person who he/she is. One must go through the troubles to understand the value of what one achieves.

I have learnt from my father that something you earn is valued. He imbibed it in me since I was a little child - even my first bike (at the age of 8) was a product of me getting a certain grade in class. It made me value the bike and the hard work behind getting that bike made the memory all the more special.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. Truly inspiring.


Foodie. Carnovire. Couch Potato.


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Adversity makes or breaks us. It's our choice. Whether or not the circumstances that beset us are forged by our own hard, or not, we have a choice.

Most often, we do not see the benefit of trial until some point in the future. The space in between we go through feedings of persecution, anger, and despair.

At some point, once we have acclimated to the pain, we set about firing a new normal. Reestablishing a healthier state where we once again take care of the everyday, the mundane. And as the days pass, we once again begin to plan, to aspire, and to grow.

With introspection and time, the healing becomes growth. And growth propels us forward to new happiness and prosperity.

It's a process. It can be gut-wrenching. But it is the way of life.

Peace be with you all.

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Good article and well said.. I try to do that with most challenges in life. Though I can think of at least one exception to the rule, where I did not want to try to learn from it or grow, even if that happened.. It wasn't something I looked at like that. And I still don't and refuse to. But for 99% of the other time.. I always try to look at hardship and struggle as something that is a learning experience and that will make me in a sense stronger or more understanding of the world due to experiencing it.

All of what you have said here is very true. Better to help someone less fortunate than ourselves. It helps put our problems into perspective. Thanks 🐓🐓

Yes I understand it now,
All our failures only help us somehow,
I got an idea after reading your work,
I will write now how my failures changed my quirk. ;)

This has been the worst 18 mths of my life man, you know some of what I am dealing with but I am honestly doing my best each day, to deal with that day and it's struggle, and look ahead as best I can too.

Blessings buddy.

Struggles and hardships often give me a new prospective on things. It seems to be human we need to struggle now and again. It’s just how progression works.

I have been blessed to know many different types of people from all different kinds of life’s. I always find it interesting the things one person find to be “end of the world” while another person would just view that as a normal Monday afternoon.

I always expect the hard times before the good times. On the rare occasion where the hard times where not very hard I never find the good times to be as rewarding. Which I find rather odd in a way. It’s as one need to seek out harder challenges and take on greater risk to seek the same or greater feeling of reword when things work out to their conclusion state.

The worst thing is always the best thing or way.

Great writing and keep work my friend ❤️🌸

Its not our everday lives that define us rather a handful of key instances throughout our lives. Everything is what you make of it. You can either see things as opprotunites or....mounumental problems which inevitably brings more problems. Learn and move on. We arent built to dwell on things its mentally unhealthy. There is no tomorrow or yesterday there is only now just focus on that. The rest will come.

We all need a helping hand and someone who is looking over our shoulder. Someone who protect us, and give us input how to handle a situation. Someone who could listen, an don't Judge. Then we all manage and we dont have to struggle :-) Thanks for the nice eye opening post !

Every time I have hard times I remind myself that my life is good and there are people who really suffer, without food and with a real threat to their lives!
But there's another idea that helps me through hard times :

"There is no failure, only feedback.
Every result gives you information, maybe about how to do something different in the future or what you should not do?
If you accept this assumption then your attitude toward "failure" will produce more positive results in the future! You can take something positive from every experience."

Please check my new post, I think you will like it!

owo great post i like your picture

Such an inspiring post. Loved this para a lot- If we were just given everything that we ever wanted, would we have the same appreciation for it as if we had worked hard and waited patiently for that thing for many years before getting it? If every day is going to be a 'sunshine day' for us and we never face any problems, then how will we know that we are equipped to deal with any problems when they arise?

This is exactly what I believe in. Your struggles are precisely what make your good days and victories taste sweeter. If we change our perspective of our hardships, battling and overcoming them would become a lot easier. I am glad I came across your blog. I was writing on delayed gratification and came across your article https://steemit.com/philosophy/@doitvoluntarily/delayed-gratification-a-distant-memory on google. I enjoyed it a lot so thought to check more of your work. You have turned me into a follower. :)

Dude! Worthlessness and fear and hopelessness are so wrong. Not what God intended for us. I choose to believe! I LOVE the book of James! Count it all JOY when you are afflicted because the world is watching you - your power and gifting and mind over matter. Philippians - I can do ALL things through Christ! Job - molon labe in its earliest forms!

Time is passing quickly, many of the things we have regretted in this life, the more we live in youth, there may be parts we regret. Therefore, experience must be a good teacher so that we do not regret any more time that has been wasted. Thanks for sharing,