Is there plans to work with a publishing house or copyright lawyers? The reason i ask is there are many good poems and even a multi chapter fantasy story on here, So is there a plan if say someone goes copy's that fantasy story line for line and gets it published and starts selling it? Seriously is there any safety nets in place for people who want to use your platform to be an author?
I'm not an expert on these sorts of things, but I would assume that retain the copyright for anything you post. Pretty much the same as posting it anywhere else on the internet.
Ok. forgive my ignorance but does that fall under one of the copyright acts? also how do you prove that you were the original content creator?
"Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device."
Unless you specify otherwise or there is something in the terms for the website/contest/whatever it is assumed you retain full copyright of your work. On Flickr they give you the option of changing the copyright license from all rights reserved to something else where you give other people the rights to do certain things with your image.
I'm not sure about proving that you are the original author or how you would go about proving that.
i think if you could prove that you made the original story before the copyright troll or whatever claimed the work your fine. you ISP might be the best bet in that situation.
i have the same question. I am not sure, that the text is still yours if you are posting it here on steem. Because everthing that you upload/post on steem, "steem" gets the copyright of it, they saied in the terms and conditions, which we all had to accept to creat an account... :-/