Hey welcome to Hive! I am going to bed and can better to help you out with growing on hive in the morning! I saw you followed me and thank you! I wanted to let you know that I have let people know about you! We are here to help you feel welcomed and grow on hive! Hive is all about community and we are glad you made it! Please be on the look out for the @theterminal as they are coming to say hi and help you feel welcomed to hive! Family and freedom is important to me!
We have recently started a new and scary journey of what we think may be freedom. I guess you never really know what freedom looks like until you grasp it with conscious awareness. And in order to be fully aware one needs to be free.
This is what I am talking about! Talk to you more in the morning hopefully and please consider accepting the incoming invite to our discord at @theterminal!
Thanks for recognizing content like yall do! Thanks @coff33a!
Hi hi :) that's so kind of you. Thank you !!! I would absolutely love your help. I just wrote a new blog and it wouldn't let me post and then it disappeared :(
please join our discord! https://discord.gg/qsy9XCHy
I can better assist you there!!! Whole community to help you better connect here on HIVE!!! but yes please do start writting posts first in outside editor such as google doc or stackedit.io