Experience is gained over time.

in #writing6 years ago

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment."- Will Rogers.

You cannot be known to make good judgements when you have actually never made a bad call.
The two are opposite but work hand in hand because, they compliment each other in a different kind of way.

When you have made a mistake calling red blue the first time around, you will not make that mistake the second time around. You will call red, Red and you will call blue, Blue.

I Feel Blessed!

If a man sets out to work and becomes successful instantly, he will have no experience because, he didn't fail at something and that there is the beginning of the end of his success story.

Failure sets in when we try to do the impossible and for many, they seek the sweet in the bitter.
Your experiences about something starts from the moment you are faced with countless problems and difficulties which you must have to see through.

An experienced man knows that, if he doesn't keep trying to do what he knows to do despite the evident failure, he will never succeed.

Success looks good, but in the actual sense of the word and world as we live, success is failure improved on with sweat, blood, determination, loyalty, resolve, undying hope and faith in one's self.

As you work, you will break the barriers at every given turn and that is the beginning of your journey into the world of experience.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


In fact, experience is better gained by he who was willing to stoop and learn the last time.

Great share @Ejemai

More than anything else, I’ll love to gather more experience in life so that I can be able to judge right, making right or better decisions.

It’s not gonna be easy because experience is a mixture of successes and failures.

Good morning @ejemai and thanks for this beautiful piece.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are still the boss @ejemai, I know you wrote this piece out of experience. I get encouraged by this know that my seemingly failing situation brings about experience. Thanks

No wonder there is a saying that "Experience is the best teacher"
One cannot appreciate what he owns if he didnt suffer to get it..
Some give up because they failed once, not knowing today is preparing them for a better tomorrow

Good to read from you again sir, have a nice day