O my brother
The world is entirely small
And what's left for you is a bit too
Are you satisfied with that little bit?
Though you can get the excess in the akherat later
Then greed will be akherat
And zuhudlah the world
Really this world is a place to be patient
And you are on your way to the land of recompense
Then buy yourself
May you be saved
Know it
You live only 1.5 hours in the sky count
And if you count your life with a space of no more than 80 years, your prophet only lives 63 years
If you have 63 years of life
What do you spend for your life?
Try to count
You sleep 8 hours a day up to 21 years of your life just to sleep
You work 8 hours a day to 21 years of your life just for the world
13 years old you spend in childhood, without the burden of the Shari'a
Until 55 years of your life seems to have run out of content
Where is your 8 yr old life?
Suppose you pray 5 wktu at the mosque for the rest of your life
You must spend your life not more than 3 years
Then when is your time to buy yourself your akherat tuk
As you continue to be negligent with a world that is entirely small
And what's left for you is little
And very little you are grateful
"Verily We have appointed him a straight path, one is grateful and some are kafir." (Al-Insaan, 3)
"And very few of My servants are grateful." (Saba ', 13)
Reflect now before it's too late
Your charity is a little bit your sins accumulate
Your guys are far away in your short life
Being he, death, has been very close
He is the breaker of all wishes
And the breaker of all pleasures
Then take advantage of it!
For your little age
from a small part of the world.
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