In Memory of My Venezuelan Brothers
There are countries in which the murder rate is seventy times higher than in others, and even throughout history in many wars and other forms of violence have been a constant, why does this kind of action happen in our society? Many researchers argue that the problem is due to poverty and inequality because according to statistics 90% of deaths since 2000 including suicides took place in nations with a low prosperity rate.

Anybody would think that every person, whether they are poor, coming from a neighborhood are violent, or the fact of getting weapons in an easier way produces and creates a bad society; personally in these cases it is how each ruler directs a nation or state since he could say that the budget is not enough to pay for a more effective judicial system, such is the case of India where millions of people live in extreme poverty and even so their homicide rate is one of the lowest in the world and this is not the only case that exists.
Personally I think that to be violent does not require belonging to any kind of ethnicity or social status because the violence begins in oneself inside of us, and coupled with that there are various factors that lead us to be and act like that but I differ totally in the opinion that this is learned, because Jesus Christ with his wisdom and acute understanding of the human heart, he said:
"From within, from the hearts of men, proceed harmful reasoning: fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries. Covetousness, acts of iniquity, deceit, relaxed conduct, envy, blasphemy, haughtiness, and irrationality" (Mark 7:21, 22).
The habit of hearing or thinking wrong things feeds evil inclinations (James 1:14, 15)

If we cultivate and nurture in a positive way our mind is to notice that we will be reviving good desires and eliminating bad ones. Regardless of the circumstances I wish everyone will be fine. Greetings from my beloved Venezuela.