Invest in yourself
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Our actions and habits has a great effect on our life.
The situation you find your self in is as a result of either a productive past actions habits or decision or a negative past actions, decisions or habits.
When you ultimately invest in yourself, you create a brighter future for yourself.
Transcendentalist like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, supermarket magnate Frank Outlaw, spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha, and the father of Margaret Thatcher? Each one of these individuals has been credited with versions of the following quote:
Plant a thought and reap a word;
plant a word and reap an action;
plant an action and reap a habit;
plant a habit and reap a character;
plant a character and reap a destiny
Few ways to invest in yourself
Set goals
You cannot know if you have a productive day if you don't have goals.
Having and knowing your goals helps invest in yourself, when you set goals,its more like you study a map and determine your destination, it provides you with better focus and helps you decide how your time should be spent.
It makes decision making productive and makes your plans effective to yield positive results.
Most people without goals end up wasting their time.
Manage your time
Time is the greatest gift of man but also his worst enemy.
Time management is important because time is valuable. Know how you generally spend your time cause there's always time for everything.
Study and discover yourself,sit down daily and think if your day was positive.
Ask yourself " Was it productive?" Identify the important and urgent things, the urgent but not important things,the not important not urgent things,the important and urgent things.
You sometimes find out you start and end your day by looking at your instagram pictures, adding effects, admiring yourself and nothing changes,it does not add money to your bank account nor wisdom to yourself but ask yourself "Is this important?" if you want to admire yourself,look into the mirirow and admire,in the process discover who you truly are.
Most people set alarms but end up snoozing the button on the alarm because they are too lazy in bed.
Make a good schedule that focuses or force you to invest in your time and in productive things, an opportunity once lost cannot be regained,manage your time.
Visiting positive websites
Most people spend their time viewing silly websites,viewing videos with no merit on YouTube,imagine the time wasted in a day,enough to affect a positive change in the life.
I always tell a friend "If you spend or invest all this time you waste on chatting unproductive chats on whatsapp or maybe sleeping, into your academics or maybe reading positive books,you'd be the best in class"
I'm not saying don't stay in touch with friends, do it but let it be moderate, let it be productive.
Reading is one of the best ways to invest in yourself.
It doesn't cost much,more like an activity or habit that cost nothing especially when you're focused.
These days you don't even need to walk into a library or book shop to get a book,you can easily download them with your mobile or iOS or iPads.
Note its not all about carrying a book and sitting down to read,most people buy books for buying sake and just flip through the pages and they are done.No!read and understand,read,meditate, let it sink into your mind.
Reading improves your imagination,vocabulary, your general knowledge. It helps you to solve certain problems and sometimes very entertaining.
Successful people would tell you they spend most of their time reading to go this far.
Most times you can read people too.
Save and invest money
Saving helps you build up yourself, its extremely important to save your income. Make a budget,know what and what you need at a particularly time or in a day,make an audit on your opportunity cost, don't spend extravagantly.
Make a box,maybe with a tiny hole,daily drop money into it especially money you know was for an extravagant thing,or maybe enough money,hide the box and forget about it expect maybe for emergency cause most people remember their hidden fortunes during emergency.
Assert some of your income into productive things like stocks,real estate, crytocurrency,commodities etc.
There are numerous online and legal investment forms that would help do the leg work. Investing at an early age or stage is best.
Spend your money wisely
Many people spend money on material things that would being temporary satisfaction.
When I asked majority of the girls I used to roll with,what they would do with a million naira,majority of their response was shocking but not new to me though.
"I would go to Dubai to buy all the clothes, I would buy buys,shoes, hair,fix the most expensive nails and if there is more I'd buy a car to show off",She said.
I wanted to see it from the positive aspect, I asked "are you buying them to sell or invest?"
She replied "no oh to show off na"
She didn't like my response cause most people don't like the truth.
Material things are replaceable, they wear off,it won't last even you would get tired of it and throw them and that's the end of the money,they only give temporal satisfaction.
I'm not saying you shouldn't appear smart or something but when you don't have anything in your bag or account,why waste them on material things,Invest!
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A time would come when all those things would be chicken change or waste to you. Be wise.
Choose your friends wisely
A friend who challenge or affect you positively is better than many friends influence you negative. Find friends that share your view or values,that motivate you.
Not everyone should be your friend,its even okay to be alone most times,it helps you discover who you truly are
I remember when I told my friends about Steemit
Well,I told them to wait very well,it woukd come indeed😒😒.Even the richest man didn't wake up one morning to have all his wealth.
Some took time to join but they eventually did cause they saw how passionate I was about it, @bimijay @blairsinjay @kutekid19 @ElRhey are witnesses but the rest would say "I would not struggle in life to make money,money would just come to me"
Eat healthy
Pay attention to your health,health is wealth, pay attention to your nutrition too,look good,eating healthier affects you positively, your mind becomes sound and clearly too. If you don't know how to cook,learn!when you learn how to cook,you save more money,most times food from fast foods are not always healthy, they sometimes put too much preservatives,fat,salt etc which might not be safe for your health.
When you learn how to cook,you get to know the type of ingredients that suits you.
Finally,never give up and don't over think
Thanks for reading
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This made my morning.thanks alot ma
Thanks for coming😘
uwc dr
Hey @emem thank you for sharing this. I must say that true happiness comes from investing your money, time, and effort into the things that matter most to you. And among those things that matter to you, YOURSELF should be never one without which you can't enjoy any other investment you make.
I am @desmonddesk
You welcome dear
Yea true
Some people set their priority on things that are actually not beneficial. I feel the best kind on investment should be in one's self. The bible says "love your neighbors as yourself" meaning that love must start from you. Most at times people try to show love outside when they themselves Can't Institute this love in themselves. Nice one tho @emem
My best lyrics
Greatest love of all by Whitney.. Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Thanks for stopping by
This is a great post.
Thank you dear
Thanks a lot. Your post was quite educating.
You welcome dear
I'm glad I could be of help
welcome to this amazing platform hope you are lucky here @emem
Thank you very much @curiesea