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RE: You NEED to STOP What You're Doing and READ This Right Now. I'm Going to Make You Famous on Steemit. Yes You!

in #writing7 years ago

Wow! Very exciting indeed!

I love the idea of co-authoring, a mutually beneficial relationship with complementary writers would be great! I so enjoy your posts, and was very interested to read about your experiences so far with the drop in votes and earnings. The community is growing and to be able to reinvent yourself to keep up with the changing times is admirable.

My suggestions for your project:

#steemjunction #ghoststeem

I had quite a few more but I picked the ones I liked best.

I also have a proposal. With all these initiatives on the go, you definitely sound like you need the services of a proof reader/editor. I am 100% capable and suitable for that role, being extremely ocd about correct grammar, spelling and layout and being able to spot errors in what I read. As 'proof', I challenge you to find ONE spelling error or formatting mistake in any of my posts! 😆

This could also be a possible offshoot of the partner initiative - offering proof reading and editorial services to those who don't have a great command of the English language, which could include some English tutoring as part of the service.


Uh, yeah! I've been recommending they get grammarly, or if they can afford it Whitesmoke, but of course someone to explain the error is always much better. I wish I could hire you to format my posts! LOL I'm so SLLOOOOOWWW at that. (super fast at composing, though, up to 3k words per minute on a roll) I had one guy get Grammarly, then drop me a link to his next post, the difference was staggering! Honestly, they don't even need to be perfect, but their syntax is showing and it turns off many English speakers.

I'm going to check Grammarly out, it must be better than Word, which truly sucks and irritates the hell out of me. It just didn't seem like anyone was taking your advice, so it's great to hear someone did. Sure I can format a post or 2, as an experiment, I was offering the formatting AND proof reading because I noticed a couple of errors in this post. Just let me know when you have something suitable and you're not in a hurry to get it, like maybe day 10 of #dolphinschool. If you don't mind, I'm also going to reply to your comment on the other post. You can see I learnt something from day 2, it was the most fascinating concept for me, which was why I thought I'd give it a try, wasn't too difficult so I'll keep it in my arsenal for my next post. Regarding the images, I don't think you would need to worry as I'm sure you have sufficient power to not run out of bandwidth, and it only uses bandwidth - in the Steemit world that is - when posting, not viewing.

LOL, yeah, I get in a hurry. Sorry, I didn't even see this comment until this morning. Wow, what a ten day frenzy! Hopefully, my typos were not too bad.

Yes I know you've been very busy, I've seen your posts! 🙈 and


Fuck Random House and all the other bullshit publishers out there, and any typos! 😆 You should be patting yourself on the back for #dolphinschool and breaking out the champagne! I think your own opinion of yourself is way more important than anyone else's anyway and you have a lot to be proud of, but you already knew that didn't you? I was mortified to find a couple of typos in my posts when I reviewed them, but that's how it works - proof reading your own material: it's difficult to trick your brain into believing it hasn't seen it all before. Anyway, I am slowly but surely putting together my next post, and would you believe, it's sound just like your #dolphinschool posts! Cheers Mark! 🍻

Actually, one of the things I am proud of is that the first of my manuscripts to get pitched, is probably getting a deal. LOL But, yeah, I know I'm good, I just can't quite get the consistency, or find a niche I'm willing to stick with long enough to hit gold.

The universe is trying to tell you something methinks <3

PS. Grammarly is astoundingly superb!

Ironically, I hate it. I think Word is more thorough, and I use Whitesmoke. I recommend it, because, out of all the free options, it's the least bad. LOL

Yeah well it doesn't have predictive text, which sucks, but for non English speakers it's pretty cool - I saw the results after recommending it to a Spanish woman after her 1st English post and her reply was flawless, my mouth was hanging open!

I'm finally setting up the co-authoring program, starting today! Check it out! I hope I can count on your upvote or resteem! Thanks!