A Childless Wife. There was once a poor childless couple. Although in all other respects they were happy, the wife had a very strong maternal instinct and she desperately wanted to have a child of her own.
The husband suggested that they adopt one but she wouldn't hear of it saying that it must be her own flesh and blood. They tried all sort of remedies but nothing seemed to work. The wife bexame more and more and more depressed and the stress, anxiety and sense of inadequacy, became overpowering and began to affect her mental health.
Gradually however the husband began to notice a change in her. She pretended to be pregnant, when in fact she was not. Then, one day when he returned home, he found her radiantly happy, cudding a little bundle. He examined the bundle and found it was nothing more than a little block of wood.
She cherished it most dearly showering it with all her motherly love as if it were a real baby. She went through the motions of caring for her 'baby', dressing it up as a mother would do. She even made a cosy cot and rocked her 'baby' to sleep while she sang a solf lullaby. In fact she began to behave very much like a child playing with a doll.
The husband became very worried about his wife's condition, and he took her to consult a well known psychiatrist. Now this expert studied her case carefully and made a starling, though very human decision.
He explained to the husband that the woma had finally found happiness by imagining what she could not get in reality. He advised that depriving her of that happiness would be far more cruel than trying to get her to behave 'rationally' and throw away the block of wood.
We see here that sometimes our decisions regarding other people must be guided by the heart rather than the cold intellect. We could also mention in passing that if we crave for anything beyond reason it can affect us mentally and upset our sense of balance.
Congenial conditions in one's political, economic and sicial environment are important for one's happiness in a society.
Read part ( 2 ) at here....... https://steemit.com/writing/@emilysengmein/how-to-find-real-happiness-part-2
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