There was a time when the stars did not align right in the skies, so they did not sparkle brilliantly as they should. Then came a prophecy that spoke of one who would be able to align the stars so that they can regain their full glory.
The king thought he was the one because he believed in order and was very intelligent. But because he also knew he could not do it alone, he chose to bring in the best hands in his kingdom to assist him.
Sophie, Sonia, Stephan and Stedman were the chosen ones to aid the king, however, the king’s plans, though sound, were not suited for the matters at hand. Sophie tried to draw his attention to the flaws and the true rules of the skies. But the king was adamant and refused to listen.
The king’s approach further weakened the stars brightness and brought darkness onto his realm. However, Sophie came to the rescue by playing her flute to restructure the stars into their place thereby fulfilling the prophecy. The king, thus, found that simplicity can at times be best suited to solve problems thus he praised the simplicity of Sophie’s flute.