@jamtaylor, reading this articles just flash flooded memories back when I was young . The storms in the Philippines have been part of our lives. I used to live with my grandnana in a countryside in a house made of wood, roof made of nipa leaves - resembles a coconut leaf, pillars and floors way above the ground to keep us all dry when it storms. You're pretty lucky you get to play while it storms - ours is more of a survival / bootcamp training really. Power outage - we call "brown out" and goes automatically so - when it storms, watched four of my guinea pigs floating on the flood, experienced having to crouch under the master's bed because a coconut tree got uprooted by the strong wind and fell straight through the dried nipa roof allowing the pouring rain in the whole house making us spend the whole night cold and soaking wet in our clothes all of us crouched under one bed and still we've managed to sleep- yet there was something we - my three cousins and I looked forward to after every storm - the fallen fruits from tall trees we couldn't reach, some fish from the sea 10 minute walk away from our house - stuck in the mini pond my cousin and I dug beside the water meter and...the morning after to thank God we were all alive and unhurt. I just wonder how worried my grandnana and aunt were - trying to keep all four kids safe and unhurt. August is the beginning of storm season in my country they've just had 3 as I heard. I hope @tiffjane's plants survived it!
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wow, okay so that sounds a lot more 'inconvenient' than mine :P
@jamtaylor - maybe - but I guess it all depends on how "used to things" we've become - honestly - it was my 10 year old self that started fearing the thunder volts and lightnings when storm seasons hit. My younger than 10 year old self - only have memories of what we went through but I don't really remember being afraid - I guess my cousins and I - they happen to be younger than I was - were just waiting for the time it would be over. We knew - it would be over - it was just passing by but when I turned 10 - that was when the worrying about it started most specially because we couldn't swim back then and the water would sometimes reach up to your neck but - I'm almost 40 now we only laugh when we talk about those days. Take care!