I'm sorry but I don't agree with - money being able to change people - it's just a piece of paper
It all has to do with one's mindset.
Someone once said - give someone wealth and power and whoever he becomes - he always is and always shall be.
HAVING MORE money just enhances the YOU that has been lying inside perhaps waiting to be unleash. If one had it and then lost it again along the way- it must be because the person mismanaged it.
Try to put yourself in "money's shoes" if I may put money into some kind of a character. If you were money and you actually were following me, giving yourself to me, allowing me to experience the benefits I could have for having you and all I do is throw you away, giving you away to other people, spending you on "wants" and not needs, investing you in something I didn't even calculate or check whether the ROI would be huge or not nor bother calculating the risk involved and just invested you - for the shallow reason that I like it - would you still want to stay with me? I'm guessing your answer would be NO? I wouldn't stay with anyone who doesn't VALUE me. Never.
Money is just a paper, or a block if that's what they call it -in crypto currency's case . It can't spend itself, it can't budge nor burn itself.
It's always us - the person who owns it that actually decide what should become of it. Most people blame the money, the truth is - if they just learn how to manage however much they have - they'll be amaze at how wonderful the effect could actually be. I enjoy money following me and even though I am a woman, I do not splurge into spending it. I manage it - and everybody can learn that.
If people would just be thankful for however much money they earn or have - then money will always stay with them. It follows you as if you were a money magnet. It may not make you so rich that quick but it could get you there. I do not believe that it's MONEY that made the character of your article's life end up the way it did - it's all deep within - the character probably has unresolved issues, resentments about money he/she experienced or saw from the past , from his parents or the people around him. It's all in his head - or psych or I don't know which word to use for it. It's something he or she needs tracing to lead a better life otherwise - he could always get plenty of money and experience the dejavu of losing it.
As to "money has the ugly ability to destroy everything" - again IT DOESN'T.
It's all the person who uses it - it's all in the way that person manages it. It's not going to be easy to manage money - but it's can be learned.
I hope you don't get me wrong and think I am bullying you. I am just pointing out - taking responsibility - to our actions towards money.
The earnings I had in writing here .. I'm using the same system I'm doing with the euro currency. If you read my post - https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@englishtchrivy/arnhem-city-the-bitcoin-capital-of-the-netherlands then you'll see that I only used 10 percent of what I've made here that time. I called it my PLAY set aside CC. As for the rest - they are meant for something else and also divided in certain percents. I'm not saying I'm so great at it - I've just learned how to do it, too.
You wrote it like a pro - no trace of complacency, I just don't agree at the ideology it is imposing @sirwinchester.
First of all, thank you for your input and your long comment.
I agree with your point of view. Money is just a piece of paper. Money doesn't HAVE to change you. It's totally up to you what you do with it, if you can keep control over your life and how you act.
What you wrote is all very logical in theory and like I said, I agree with that.
But sadly, my life experience has taught me that the theory doesn't always apply in real life.
Most people did NOT understand the principle of money like you and me did. They let money take control, and they don't have themselves and their actions under control. they value far too much.
They sell their soul and let money manipulate them.
Whoever receives a large amount of money and DOESN'T change has understood the principle of money. like you said, it's just a piece of paper and nothing more. it shouldn't define you.
Thank you for your input, great comment.
I think it's mostly because of how we are oriented, no school teaches financial management, there's a course you could take business management but you'd still have to learn further in real business life. I guess financial education was intended not to be part of the school curriculum to hold the majority poor and have a poor mind. Rich dad poor Dad and Cahflow sell less than Warcraft or Dota or Pokemon Go. Not having a good financial mindset F..ks people up. It leads to like what you wrote - not being able to control themselves , their relationships, their actions and their financial decisions. All of it sum up, if we would just look at those who are financially well off and try to learn what they are doing that's different from what we are doing - we could perhaps pick up financial wisdom. However, the ideology of "MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL" - which is actually not even what is written in the bible - IT's THE LOVE of money - to the point that you'd worship it, kill for it and become an evil person thinking you could put a sum on any person you feel like putting down whatsoever, this kind of ideology would also keep the people stay poor. I went offline and was thinking .. I wonder if you wrote for a different reason. I guess ... you did. I get you. I just don't resonate with the dominant message of the article and so I put it out there as well. I actually checked your profile after reading this and wondered - how could you have this kind of ideology(I thought you did, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt thinking t'is a bait) and still generate this much upvote. How could your money thermostat be this high - and write this article. Thank you for clearing that out on your reply. I still am not going to upvote it but I'm hitting a follow botton.@sirwinchester - "What you wrote is all very logical in theory." - in theory - sounds like it can't be a reality. I do believe it CAN, that's why I wrote that book of a comment :D (sorry it flooded out).