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RE: I Just Got PAID by Another Writing Site! Comparing Steemit and HubPages

in #writing5 years ago

Denmarkguy? I'm a Hubber just like you. I agree with you that there are plenty of moneymaking opportunities on HubPages. However, one complaint that I do have about them is that they do not give people as much freedom as Steemit does to publish whatever they want to. In other words, Steemit is more permissive about controversial content than HubPages is. From an overall standpoint, I like HubPages; but I don't like the amount of censorship they apply to content creators. Anyhow, I liked your article and I gave it an upvote.


Thank you @epicenterdefacto. It's rare that I get comments on "old" articles, so it's nice to know that sometimes these things do get read.

Yes, part of the beauty of Steemit is the freedom to publish more or less what you want... editorial freedom. HubPages is really more of an "article-based" platform, and since they make their based on ad revenues, they tend to limit content to the less controversial that the average PTA soccer mom in Kansas will find appealing.

Steemit can be a bit challenging for true writers who publish content of "White Paper" length because any given post is limited by what the blockchain people call "block size." I know several serious authors here, and the solution/workaround is to "serialize" longer pieces into 1500-2000 word chunks.