In the productive corner today I want to be talking about a particular tactic that not only wastes people's time, it wastes your time and can even damage your brand. This technique that I'm talking about is spamming. I know some people might be thinking spam isn't a very common thing, but spamming I believe is more like publishing any form of content that isn't fitting.
The example that I use in the post linked below is comments on Instagram, or any social media page, that specifically push a person's profile onto the other person. There's also typically a flattering comment like "great post" or something along those lines.
I don't see this occurring much on Steemit (outside of bots, or people resteeming or upvoting under certain conditions, which is cool and not spammy.), but it's a prominent thing on Instagram, or at least that's my experiences.
Either way it's not a habit that you want to be getting into. First of all flattery is simply petty compliments. People can see through it and doesn't do you much good. The second thing is plugging your channel or page. Unless you are part of specific groups where that's a thing (i.e. you have to do a thing first to get a thing), then it's spammy.
Instead what I suggest we all do is to engage in conversation. It's important to keep engaging, but instead of an empty compliment and a plug to your page (saying it's super cool or something), provide something that enhances the post or the article. By showing off that you are someone who knows what they are talking about, you are still promoting yourself in that sense. A comment will be on that post for as long as that post exists. Furthermore if it's something helpful, people will be interested in what you have to say.
Read the full details in the link below.
The One Thing To Avoid Doing On Social Media