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RE: My answer to : What It Feels Like To Be A Struggling Middle-Aged Author With No Plan B by Ericvancewalton

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for taking the time to write this! I think we're definitely kindred spirits. You're 100% right on in your opinion of what was holding me back. I've found the climb to this next plateau was a shift in mindset more than anything. I had been chasing success for so long that I had developed a, “struggling mentality”.

There was a moment, relatively recently, where I took a step back and stopped the chase. I focused on polishing, learning, evolving, and really learning to shift away from that mentality of non-abundance. Suddenly the doors are beginning to open!

I really feel like it’s this way for all people in creative professions. That last (and highest) hurdle is totally in their minds.

You're writing is good, you communicate very well and I think you could make something of it. Do you have any plans of publishing? Self-publishing can now be more lucrative than traditional publishing. Writing is hard but it is the best therapy. It's been my savior countless times.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work!