I was browsing around Hive more recently looking for content to consume. The hunt for good blog posts caused me to ponder what made a great post stand out from the others. It dawned on me that I tended to land on posts that contained elements that were creative. entertaining, and Informative.
Writing that weaves these three points into the narrative, tend to grab my attention and cause me to want to read until the end. The style of writing gives the author their very own stamp of originality.
One could almost show me a post written by a particular Hive author with the byline removed, and I could likely figure out who wrote it.
Other writers make me smile by injecting bits of humor into their posts. At times I'm just looking for a bit of escapism to take the edge off of a busy day. I've been known to enjoy reading about village life in a developing country as a way to allow my mind to travel far and wide.
The other types of blog posts that invite me in are those that inform. I love picking up that odd fact that cause me to say "I didn't know that!" If you look at some of my recent posts, You see words or phrases linked, sprinkled throughout the post.
Often you'll have that 'just the right word' that fits perfectly, but that may not be in wider use. I find this a perfect opportunity to highlight a Wiki entry, or to connect with an online dictionary entry.
So if you're looking to improve yourself as a writer, you would do well to include keep these three elements in mind when you write. Upvotes are amazing, but you also want your visitor to hang around and actually read your piece.
The beautiful future that we all want for Hive depends on the creative output shared by all of us. And we'll get there one word at a time.
Please check out my other posts:
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