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RE: All the Religions say the same thing:

in #writing7 years ago

From a foundational perspective, you are incorrect. Romans 10 9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Believing in him dosen't mean you will salvation. It goes beyond that. James 2:14
14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? You see, although our works are insufficient, it doesn't mean we do nothing. We have to demonstrate our faith. The catholic church would have you believe it is all works which is incorrect. They also have their followers pray to mary. Many of the various flavors of Christianity (22,000) are nothing more than catholic-lite. The catholic church allowed for the Sabbath (4th commandment) to be changed from the 7th day to the 1st day. Then they removed all the feasts, even though these are a "divine appointment" (moed) and they are forever - according to the Word. Then they changed the name and titles of the Father and remove them from scripture (10,000 times) along with the name of his Son and instead, we assign them pagan titles like lord and god. Then we adopt the pagan traditions of men; xmas, easter (along with the other dead saints days) and along with it we adopted mithra, worship of the cross and sun (tammuz). Problem is, most have gone along with it without a single word of protest. Now, it would seem, we are on the verge of reuniting with the catholic church. Some of the most influential churches in the world are talking unification. Why is this important? The catholic church doesn't preach salvation at all. Since most people have never read their bible, they have no idea what this means. Not only that, the catholic church actually created Islam. Not all roads will lead you to salvation and it's narrow, wide is the path that leads to destruction.


A battery that is dead is still a battery the statement faith without out works would entail that there are faith that doesn't have works. If you are frontloading or backloading works it is still works. You can't add works. What denomination are you from? Independent fundamentals babtist have never trusted In their works, so more fundamental you can't get. We were never part of the roman/protestant wars, we kept ourselves away from drama and only read the KJV. Aka the majority text . Works are not for salvation but discipleship. If there are hundreds of clear verses that say its by faith alone. Why would you hang to one that seems to be teaching something different? The Bible can't contradict itself. Which one do you think you might be wrong about? If you don't have works your faith is useless to God. James wants you to start working for God. And not to be lazy. Do soul winning, tell people about Christ. Not that you lose your salvation. It would go in the face of all the scriptures that teach eternal security. Just look at all the times eternal is used in the bible.

The feast where shadows of things to come Jesus came to fulfill them. Example: He is the Passover lamb. Some still have not been fufilled like feast of trumpets. But this is most probably the rapture because its Jesus's 2nd coming (he fulfilling it) and it is preceded with a trumpet sounding.

Have you been dabbling in Hebrew roots. Because I am not surprised you reject the eternal security. Jesus is the sabbath rest. Jews are rejected of Christ why are you seeking after their man made religion? You need to repent of trusting in your works and trust the work of Christ my friend and come out of the grasp of the synagogue of Satan. Hebrew roots is a sect just like you described just another flavour.

Narrow refers to the breadth, aka how many people are going but a strait path is easy. Salvation is as easy as trusting. Even a 3 year old can know it and be saved(like the scriptures teaches). Get a KJV bible and toss that new Hebrew translation/study bible you have been sold. S

Refer to that video for a explanation and many more free grace preachers you can listen to. I also suggest Ralph Yankee Junior.