The evil is justified to the wrong doer. It is rational to him and consistently logical. In adherence to context of right and wrong a man is born with the blueprint that will drive his endeavors and guide his nurturing. Much of it is circumstances but not really. His moral compass and affiliations are his design. He will act on behalf of his cumulative choices and someone else perceives it as good or bad, thus right and wrong and good and evil are relative. So if there is not any absolute the needle can be nudged left or right to fit the definition of what is evil. Therein comes the conscience which one in ten doesn't possess and the rest posses in a range of degree so what is evil to one is funny to another.
perception of evil is present to some and some other will hold the same action as justified.
the severity of evil is observed as extreme by one and laughable by another.
So evil is not quantifiable even in a range. It is the necessary dogma to regulate a society in peace time, completely malleable. Evil is just the other side of line society draws called law and asks everybody to not cross if they want benefits of social contract. Evil is just a narrative which in broader perspective is no more than a utilitarian disaster.